What do they do on a rainy night in Rio? – IOTW Report

What do they do on a rainy night in Rio?


Away from Olympics, sewage blights vast swaths of Rio.

Rivulets of waste crisscross the labyrinth of alleyways that serve as 5-year-old Kaike de Oliveira Benjamin’s playground, forming dark, fetid puddles and gurgling streams of refuse and trash.



It’s little better inside the tiny, one-room apartment he shares with his mother, two little brothers and infestations of roaches and rats. When it rains, the basement apartment floods ankle-deep with a mixture of rainwater and sewage, and drinking water often comes out of the tap looking and smelling contaminated.

Rio de Janeiro’s lack of basic sanitation is in the headlines because Olympic athletes will compete in polluted waters during next year’s games, but it’s hardly news in areas like the Rocinha slum, where contact with untreated waste is an everyday reality for the Benjamins and tens of thousands of other families.  MORE

10 Comments on What do they do on a rainy night in Rio?

  1. Boo Hoo Hoo!
    Poor fucking 3rd world rat-people!
    Living like rats.

    I saw a show where people of India bought drinking water off of trucks every morning. I was working with an Indian dude at the time, and told him that we should go over there and put plumbing in – we’d get rich. He said “No. You’d go broke. They don’t want plumbing in their homes.”

    And that’s the way it is.

  2. I suspect that this Olympics will be a disaster. Brazil shot it’s wad with the World cup and has nothing left. Imagine what will happen if whole teams start to come down with disease or tourists wandering into bad parts and either get mugged, killed, kidnapped, assaulted or see the actual conditions that people live in and that make it on the net and in the news.

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