What Do You Say? – IOTW Report

What Do You Say?


h/t Silentsam2018.

71 Comments on What Do You Say?

  1. The Official Patriot Party is a growing community of responsible Americans who share core values, vision, and a mission. We are a non-partisan, grassroots organization that does not advocate for candidates from any one party. Instead, we offer an opportunity to empower like-minded patriots like you to truly make a difference. Our efforts are proactive in preserving this same opportunity for the next generation of Americans.

    MSM translation: white supremacist terrorists inciting violence who have no right to free speech.

  2. Before any attempt to formalize the party occurs, there needs to be a communications network in place to support it. This includes social as well as traditional media, email, etc. The left will spare no time, effort or expense in trying to quash it, up to and including bogus criminal charges against the principals.

  3. If Trump’s in then so am I. Good timing, as I’m short on political party affiliations at the moment.
    Of course you realize if this really takes off then all the rings will migrate to the greener gras and then attempt to take over. You must maintain right of refusal of membership.

  4. Who is behind this, who is getting the money?
    My advice would be to be careful going forward what information people trust. There are a lot of scam artists and BSers out there. I knew that Italy story was BS when the woman at Nations for Action was constantly asking for money. This trust the plan and all the BS spewed by a a lot of sources really has me skeptical on anything that looks this generic. This could be an attempt to get the party to split to ensure the dems continue to win. Realistically we need to organize and work in the current party to pick a good primary candidate (one) and get behind them. I’m mad as hell but if the goal is to reverse this it has to be a path that gets us out of this hole, not digging deeper. When I read people are still saying Trump is still getting back in the WH I can’t delete that site soon enough. It is over, let’s move forward and get in the fight.

  5. What our nation used to be, and is wanted to be by most of the right, is worth saving if it can be restored.

    Otherwise, no. We’ve become an abomination before God and turned to worshiping all sorts of decadence and perversions in his place.

    If those who call themselves Christians will repent and turn back to God and his ways we will be saved, otherwise we will fall from the former great height he lifted us to. That fall will be a long fall with a devastatingly hard landing. We will go the way of the other great nations, empires and peoples of the past that decided they were greater than God and turned against him, and it will be of our own doing that we become that way.

    There is little hope and no future for us as we are, and it doesn’t look like we are willing to change.


  6. Lets start this revolution by drying up funds for the RNC. Let them bleed out awhile before we jump to quickly into another organization.
    I like the idea but I’d prefer being begged for money by our reps. I enjoy the satisfaction of telling them to piss up a rope and why.
    Lets wait and see what Trump does.

  7. @Gin

    I got an email a couple of days ago from the Repubs with hand out asking for a donation.

    I answered politely and told them they lost me and they have too many RINOs. The GOP will not get another cent from me.

  8. If this new party takes off, the left will make fun of the initials PP – who cares, let them.

    As for me, I make jokes and nasty comments about leftists all the time, mostly juvenile poop jokes and such. Its good to laugh at their expense and they provide a lot of raw material.

  9. America is worth saving. The Republican Party isn’t.

    The problem with any organic movement is that any idiot can jump to the front of the parade, a la Stork from Animal House.


    We saw it with Pat Buchanan and the Reform Party in 1996 and with the various Tea Party offshoot orgs that fleeced the fed up.

    Combine that with getting on the ballot in all 50 states and you are sending your enemies into power until you’re legitimate.

  10. Is America worth saving?

    Yes. Most of it. There really is no other place to go.

    Poland is great, but realistically they have had to deal with treachery from Germany, Russia, and Abandonment by England & France after WW2.

    Remember, At least you do not have Quebec, The only place in North America that actually has and is in favour of a curfew.

    They learned a lot from the Frogs in WW2.

  11. I think the idea that this is fixable at the ballot box is either charmingly naive or laughably stupid, given what we’ve seen this election. The regressives made a Hail Mary do-or-die play to steal the election, and having pulled it off (with the help of the Republicans and the administrative state), there’s not a chance in hell that they’ll ever voluntarily give up what they risked so much to steal, and there’s also no way in hell they’ll ever allow another election in which they haven’t already guaranteed the outcome. Remember, kids, it’s not who votes, but who counts the votes — and they’ve demonstrated quite clearly that they control that process, which will only be polished and perfected and set in stone going forward, now that they control all three branches.

  12. Dadof4, I did see that. It requires a fair judge and jury from the DC Circuit. The odds are better that i will win a Billion Dollars in Mega Millions tomorrow. And I’m buying tickets, it’s worth a try, so is quo warranto.

  13. “Is our America worth saving?”
    The America of the 1940’s and 50’s is worth saving. All the commie/statist/global crap that crept in during the 1960’s and later must be violently purged.

  14. America has lost her moorings.
    The deceit and rot has been going on for, at least, a century and there seem to be very few who lament the loss.
    We’re adrift in a sea of perfidy.

    I don’t believe that there’s a single politician who actually GsAF about America over individual or collective greed (no proof – I am unable to read minds or hearts). Far too many grasping, greedy, self-aggrandizing PsOS to operate a genuine Republic (not of the banana flavor).

    But hope springs eternal – and God’s will be done.

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. As others have commented above:
    Proper vetting of the “leaders”
    PDJT is on-board
    And I would add, NO RINOs ALLOWED! Remember how the RINOs pre-empted the TEA Party, and neutered it?

  16. …you know, in Maoist China at the dawn of the new age of Communism, there was a brand-new initiative to sign up everyone who thought, maybe, just possibly, the fledgling CCP wasn’t 100% right in all things. It invited dissenters in with open arms and promised to let them share their ideas, and even had the noble and poetic name of “The Hundred Flowers Campaign”, as in “Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom” with support for the unifying idea from the Chairman Himself.

    …how’d THAT work out?



    …the world has changed, folks, and we are being forcibly ruled by very, VERY vindictive people with a hardline philosophy that tolerates NO dissent. They’ve already abrogated the First Amendment and openly discuss abrogating the Second, even as their chosen mouthpiece with a first day Executive Order busily undermines the 14th. Many in this Party have openly called for “re-education” of Deplorables, and they have the Maoist mentors and firepower to back it up.

    …be very, very careful about putting your hand up as their Opposition to ANY organization that purports to be a meeting place for dissent.

    If not for your sake, then your families’.

    Because they will stop at NOTHING to lure you in.

    And then will stop at nothing to destroy you.

    Because this is NOT just about Trump, its about the IDEA of Trump.

    They now know its too dangerous to allow us to believe our vote means anything anymore. That’s why the steal was so blatant.

    They also know that disenfranchised free people will eventually turn to other means to be heard.

    Which is why they want to identify and eliminate us all now, as any threat to their young and uncertain tyranny.

    They will have the means to find us all eventually, but right now its just easier if we turn ourselves in.

    …so be very credulous about turning yourself in, to anyone, at this point, things are not always what they seem, trust in nothing.

    So, if they’ve equated “Patriot” with “Terrorist” at this point, it seems like calling a personal information gathering resource “The Patriot Party” could be the next “Hundred Floweres”

    …I am NOT saying I know ANYTHING about them. They may even believe it THEMSELVES.

    But jackboot soldiers may also take their records at 3AM one dark night.

    …remember WHEN you are, what HAS occurred, and what the HISTORY and STATED GOALS of our new overlords are as you try to find new ways to connect, is all I’m advising…

  17. The Republican Party has been infiltrated by leftists, but the ideological foundation still stands. Purging RNC leadership of RINO socialists should be the focus.
    IMHO, sure a new party might be successful, but it may go the way of The Tea Party, etc.
    Meanwhile, The Democratic (Drama) Party gets stronger, by using smokescreens, bribery and theft.
    The RNC needs to clean house and get rid of swamp squatters in the leadership and become the Grand Old Party Again.
    It only weakens the right if we splinter off into party fractions. The Democrats know this and make sure they gooble up their opposition like the Bernie Bros.
    Not giving up on the RNC yet. On principle, the Republican Party stategically is still the best, most powerful political platform to oppose the Democrat regime.

  18. America is worth saving… POLITICAL PARTIES ARE NOT!. If you disagree with me fine. IDGAF…. The problems in OUR nation are directly due to political tribalism. We the People have been conditioned to vote for a candidates affiliation with a particular party rather than concentrating on a candidates abilities, accomplishments, merits and character. To hell with political party nonsense. Get it out of your head. It is a disease and is what is wrong with this nation as a whole… If you continue to support political parties, even the ones that are currently and opportunistically rebranding themselves, YOU are part of the problem. If you’re too damned lazy to investigate probable candidates and would rather your party affiliation do that for you, I will remind you that YOUR VOTE has been tainted to the point of invalidation. WHAT IN THE FUCK HAS YOUR PARTY DONE ABOUT IT?
    Wake the hell up. You’re NOT a Republican, you’re Not a Democrat, you’re not (Insert Crazy Fringe Group trying to divide us even further here)… YOU’RE an AMERICAN. Start acting like it.

  19. I’d rather put my efforts into separating the states somehow. These people will never quit and they’re hopelessly deranged and dangerous. They’ll just keep coming back at us! I want to eliminate them from my life, I’m topped off with their stupidity.
    We could have strict entry rules and the ability to deport assholes permanently.
    Best of all we can sit back and watch them collapse while they beg us for help!

  20. @ ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS JANUARY 21, 2021 AT 2:11 PM

    “If not for your sake, then your families’.

    Because they will stop at NOTHING to lure you in.

    And then will stop at nothing to destroy you.”

    So you’re saying we should test the waters by signing up our liberal friends and see what happens. OK.

    Like slapping a Trump 2020 sticker on Biden sticker near an Anifa/BLM riot.

  21. If Trump formally endorses them, no problem. Until then, this looks like another of those slick marketing outfits trying to milk the situation.
    Remember all of those slick “Tea Party” offshoots.

  22. Dadof4
    JANUARY 21, 2021 AT 2:38 PM

    “So you’re saying we should test the waters by signing up our liberal friends and see what happens. OK.

    Like slapping a Trump 2020 sticker on Biden sticker near an Anifa/BLM riot.”

    …works for me.

    …at least they’ll get all the unwanted fund-raising calls if they’re legit, and it will be fun watching two lefties circle each other like malnourished tomcats around a pork chop bone if not…

  23. We saw how the TEA Party attracted grifters, ne’er do wells and self promoting narcissistic shitbags the way the Democrat Party attracts malicious, maladjusted malcontents. I am averse to Parties, especially new ones.

    That being said: if Trump is in, I am in.

  24. America or some remnant of it is worth saving. Blue states and major metropolitan centers may not be worth saving. The population there is of below room temperature IQ, and addicted to public assistance , violence, and free stuff. I suggest succession is the answer. Large cities in states that secede can opt out of the state as stand alone city states should they wish to stay blue. Fence them in and keep them out. Time to divide the country befopre the left destroys it.

  25. I’m late as I’ve been away all day. I’d like to respond to some of the comments that I’ve been quickly scanning.

    I have faith that God is in charge. Scripture tells us that no governments are placed in charge unless God allows it. For whatever reason, God’s will allowed Biden to be inaugurated. Because I don’t understand it nor is it something I wanted, doesn’t mean that I abandon my faith.

    I have had many times in my life where I prayed for something that I wanted dearly and never received. I’m not talking about a new car or any other possession, but about something that would be for good; like the end of abortion, human trafficking, etc. I have been praying for our nation since before Obama was elected. I have always used the example of Jesus to petition God; thank him for being Lord of Creation, Merciful and Loving plus Holy and Just. Then I ask. Then I tell him, your will be done.

    His will was done whether we like it or not. I trust the most trustworthy of any being. His will/plan is for the good of his children and for his glory.

    It’s not over. God is still working. He knows all and is all powerful. He who created us will be able to accomplish all that he has planned. I don’t know what that will look like, but I trust that if he wants this country to succeed, it will.

    If he wants to put President Trump into his rightful place as leader of this nation, he will.

    If this is the end times and our nation must fall to accomplish the prophecies foretold in Scripture, then it will.

    If he needs to winnow the false Christians from the church and strengthen the remaining true Christians by bringing persecution, he will.

    God’s will is perfect.

  26. “Until they fix that voting thing, I doubt any of this matters.”

    It sure as fuck doesn’t.

    This 3rd party stuff (while I so very much understand why it’s so tempting) will not work because we don’t have the numbers to fight the Dems. Not the Republicans, the Dems. GOP splits and the DNC will win every single time.

    Also, do you suppose the GOP won’t set it up so that the “___”Party will be defeated through election fraud? Of course they will.

    Important thing now is to find candidates like the Patriot Party is talking about, and run them. That group is not a PAC so you won’t get any begging for money ads and emails. lol. But go and see who they recommend, and YOU recommend candidates, too!

    We have to infect the GOP from the inside. Then we murder them live on camera, in front of witnesses and everything – and then change the name just so they fucking remember why the GOP ain’t around anymore.

    But nothing happens until we get the states’ election laws fixed.

  27. First I am in with Claudia’s view above – God runs the SHOW. I am more than willing to join something and will support and Hope that Trump has a hand in it. Lousy Logo however IMO. Something a bit meaner …partial to A Lion!

  28. A daunting task! The Republican Party was part of the Whig Party for 12 years – again 12 YEARS, during which time it “primaried” the Whig Abe 6 times from 1842 to 19854 – after 6 straight loses Abe went “If you cant beat em; join em”. One of the reasons the Whigs are gone; not the main one.
    The first GOP President candidate was a Cal named Fremont. Abe was the second. But the Republican Party was a tertiary party(or from 1840 to 1854 like the “Tea Party” not a “real” party) for 20 years before it got things done! 20 YEARS! The GOP os clearly special, and unique!

    The American Independent Party got 22% in 1992 and then never got double digits again!

    Summary It would be, IMHO, a better plan to get the liberaas out of the GOP. Also very hard; but ,IMHO, easier and quicker than new party.
    Naming some liberal GWB names – just some – : Adam, Kevin, Liz, Mich, Mitt

  29. The Republican party is lame with RINO cancer. Until that can be fixed and not just patched they can’t hang together for any kind of a fight and they are not worth a dollar store duct tape patch at any price. If we standby and let the democrats slowly peck our eyes out we will never recover our America from the haters without a considerable loss of life. I’m in for getting a new horse with fully functioning legs, none branded RINO.

  30. Here’s one of the problems….. New grifter pol comes around and states everything you want to hear. You want to believe. You follow and donate dough. They don’t slip up, but continue to pound the sweetest drum……. until they are elected. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass what party it belongs to. It is all about power and money. Who do YOU trust? (besides God of course).
    Until the uniparty/globalists can be quashed by their evil perpetration, the Republic of he United States of America is doomed.

  31. Not convinced a new, third party is the way to go, so I’m going to keep asking this ’til someone explains in a way I comprehend. Constitutional Conventions vs Convention of States?

  32. ‘America’ is a geographical area

    I would rather save the idea of the United States
    something we haven’t seen since at least the Civil War … hell, maybe since Mabury v. Madison

    … the Whiskey Rebellion?

  33. HELL YES, COUNT ME IN! Screw those limp dick re pube E can assholes!

    If it’s NOT democRAT, Liberal, progressive, socialist, communist or whatever the fuk they go by these days…Count my flag wavin’ American ass in!

  34. Very insightful comments, Claudia. Agreed, God has the last word on everthing!

    Also, when more people, especially in America know Christ as Savior and Lord, so much of what you’re praying for will happen.

    Our main problem is that heathenism has become god in this country thanks to socialism – a doctrine of satan.

    God has to literally expose and extract the demonic spiritual, political, cultural rot to get things back in order and bring the focus back on Him to save this nation.

    In reality, we know that no political party, no matter how earnest can fix our spiritual void.
    God is able.

  35. It’s a pigeon in a hawk suit.

    The head is definitely a pigeon (not that there’s anything wrong with that).
    The “bananas” are the tail feathers of a hawk grafted onto the pigeon’s costume.
    The breastplate is either a defense or a disguise.

    My Grandson dressed as a Super Hero for Halloween – much to the same effect.

    izlamo delenda est …

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