“What do you think, you own tacos now or something?” – IOTW Report

“What do you think, you own tacos now or something?”

DC: Tucker Carlson and Univision host Enrique Acevedo discussed a Mexican restaurant that faced backlash for serving Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday night and things went down a strange path which led to Carlson declaring his love for tacos.

“There is something to be said about a man … about Jeff Sessions and the moral contradictions of a man that led the charge to dehumanize and criminalize immigrants and then suddenly shows up at a Mexican restaurant to order huevos rancheros. That’s like Cuban officials going to a McDonald’s to order a Big Mac after a speech on American imperialism,” Enrique Acevedo stated.

A Houston area Mexican restaurant, El Tiempo Cantina, received backlash for serving Attorney General Jeff Sessions last weekend.

“The posting of a photograph of the Attorney General at one of our restaurants does not represent us supporting his positions,” Roland Laurenzo, the restaurant owner, wrote on Facebook, but it has been deleted.

“I think what people are point out, the contradiction of attacking someone’s culture, someone’s story and then celebrating their food,” he continued before being cut off.
Carlson said, “What do you mean their food? It’s American food. What do you think, you own tacos now or something?

21 Comments on “What do you think, you own tacos now or something?”

  1. Does the cantina serve more-or-less authentic (regional) Mexican food (unlikely but not impossible), or does it serve Tex-Mex food? Tex-Mex uses a number of Mexican ingredients and seasonings, but you’d have a mighty hard time finding the same dishes in Mexico proper.

    What with all those Mexican pols and SJWs bad-mouthing the U.S., they’d better stop serving hamburguesas y papas fritas down there.

  2. Most Mexican restaurants serve American Mexican food, much in the way Chinese restaurants serve American Chinese food. Food adapts to geography. It is not an immutable, sacrosanct possession of a “Culture”.

  3. Acevado plays the linguistic trick of conflating legal and illegal immigrants.

    Sessions did not “criminalize” them. Their actions in entering the US violated existing law.

    They “criminalized” themselves.

  4. Does this mean that I now have to get an illegal alien Mexican to grant me written permission to buy and eat a taco or that I can no longer eat Tacos period? Oh, mommy life just got even more mean! Muy mucho headache!

  5. Like all of these lying imbeciles, Acevedo seems to have difficulty differentiating between “immigrants” and the criminal trespassers who enter this country without permission.

  6. I don’t always watch the leftist loons try to obfuscate, misdirect, distort if not out right lie and their way to a justification for their misbehavior. I watched this one last night and had as much fun as Tucker did taking this self righteous bigot down.

  7. Tucker Carlson: “I’m going to keep eating (tacos) even though I agree with Jeff Sessions.”
    And with that statement Tucker Carlson reveals his utter depravity and lack of compassion for his fellow man. How does he keep his show???

  8. The Hass avocado was developed in Whittier Calif by a white mailman.
    The Hass is the primary avocado used in food.
    ALL, Hass avocados are cultivated from a single tree.
    Knowing this, yes, all your avocados do belong to white people.
    Hass is NOT a Spanish name, German, eh?

  9. “dehumanize and criminalize immigrants” Nothing more dehumanizing than human trafficking- what’s Sessions have to do with that, except try to stop it?
    We had a president who for 8 years let you backdoor pieces of shit do whatever you wanted – now we have one that expects our laws to be recognized.
    Don’t like it, go back to the land of your ancestors!


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