What Donald Trump and King David Have in Common – IOTW Report

What Donald Trump and King David Have in Common

American Greatness:

Around the middle of Barack Obama’s second term, I began to hear from several ministers that their congregations (of different denominations) had begun to spontaneously and fervently pray for our country.

These were not the generic “God Bless America” prayers; they were heartfelt anguish over America’s drift from God’s Truth and way, begging for God’s mercy and grace to give us another chance.

Like the old Anglican general confession, they were admissions that “we as sheep, have gone astray” and “Lord have mercy upon us!”

There seemed to be a recognition that our country’s inexorable departure from divine standards of morality—fidelity, honesty, decency, responsibility—had now come home to roost in broken marriages, shattered families, damaged parenthood, shady business practices, and political corruption. Moral breakdown, in turn, created much needless suffering: crime, drug addiction, mental illness, and a rising suicide rate, especially among the young. We seemed on the brink of losing everything: social order, the rule of law, freedom of religion, any meaning of happiness. Millions of Christians were crying out to God to save us from this destruction, perversion, depravity, indecency, profanity, hopelessness and pain.

Then Donald Trump was elected president. Some have suggested that he was God’s answer to those prayers. Others have regarded that suggestion as blasphemous and dangerous. I find the answer in another traditional prayer in the Anglican Liturgy: that “God will answer our prayers in the time and in the way that is best for us.”

Trump may seem an unlikely vessel of God’s providence and grace. But it may help to understand how this could be the case by looking at the Biblical character that I think he most resembles: King David of Israel.

David was an unlikely Leader of God’s nation, but he was chosen by the Almighty for some very specific reasons: he defended his people’s honor and God’s ways. His very human moral failings caused him great pain, and although he was able to establish his nation, God did not let him (because of his sins) build the temple.

President Trump once said how much he appreciated the tremendous support of Evangelical Christians, “even though I don’t deserve it.” Both remind me of God’s promise to Abram and his people Israel: “I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you.”

David was an unlikely candidate for king of Israel. When the Prophet Samuel came to anoint one of Jesse’s sons for the kingship, David wasn’t even there—he was out tending his sheep. But David had done something as a shepherd that qualified him to be king. When his flock had been attacked by ferocious animals (lions and bears) he single-handedly and fearlessly defended his sheep. This is the first duty of a ruler: to protect his people. Our American tradition, viewed in light of the social contract theory of John Locke, posits that free individuals form a government explicitly to protect our natural rights to life, liberty, and property.

21 Comments on What Donald Trump and King David Have in Common

  1. For such a time as this.
    He’s not perfect, and that matters because?
    Being a term no one can nail down except Jesus.
    A billionaire, and needing nothing, stepped up to the plate at a time when corruption is a way of life in Washington DC and most all government.
    We’re not looking for a perfect person to lead us, we’re looking for somebody to crash the party the elite have made for themselves and get America back to its roots.
    I don’t expect them to hand us the keys to the city without a fight, that’s what we’re experiencing, it isn’t like a war, it is a war.

  2. Whether it was divine intervention or just dumb luck, a win is a win. The fickle finger of fate gave us 0bama too, don’t forget that. Don’t take this gift for granted. Get out there and help President Trump win 2020. He is one of us. Besides, liberalism needs a good kick in the teeth.

  3. “He has been sent to us by God.”

    Oh, so true.

    Continue praying for this man who has not hesitated to do for us nor has he been afraid of all the enemies around him. God is greater than they!

  4. Was JUST sayin’ to the mrs. g and the troops, I am beginning to think this is looking more and more like some type of divine intervention.

    What is in this one person that can take on all that is THROWN at him and his family??

    Think about it, we were at a precipice and a ‘hand’, of some type, pulled us back from the very edge of the cliff.

    IF anything? It is MIRACULOUS by political standards.


  5. I prayed for Trump to win because Hillary was everything opposite of God. I wouldn’t say she was the anti-Christ, but 8 years of her would have either finished off the Republic or left us teetering on the brink.

    Trump was and is by no means anywhere near the perfect man. But he was the perfect man we needed at a pivotal point in our history. Even more so than Ted Cruz who was my first choice.

  6. Hmmm, we are called on to pray for our leaders. I must admit most of my prayers for Obama were generally in the class of – please don’t let him screw things up to his full potential and desires.

    But it appears TDS is strong in some churches.

    Last evening our pastor told of a recent news story he’d seen. (don’t know where he read it or heard it, but I found several links to the story). PDJT visited a church in Va. Beach after the recent killings there. Unscheduled he stopped at a local church requesting they pray for him.

    The pastor of that church lead a prayer for President Trump. After the service was over many members of the congregation were upset (the articles used the word – hurt) the pastor lead a prayer for Trump.

    Video of the prayer on the below link. It was not a call to lock up Hillary, build the wall or win a second term. It was a prayer requesting guidance and wisdom in leading the country. He also included congress. TDS outbreak, I think.

    https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/03/pastor-trump-prayer-1352311 .

  7. For me, one of the verifications that Trump is in power by God’s own hand is the fact that he had to defeat not only the democrats, but most of the “republicans” along with the entrenched, corrupt political establishment (govt. bureacrats) along with our own corrupt “law enforcement” / intelligence agencies (FBI, CIA, NSA, DOJ, etc.) and mainstream media that were fiercely working against him as well.

    While I had doubts about him in the primary, with 20/20 hindsight it is clear to me that no one …. NO ONE else on the republican side could have even come close to winning against the entire machinery of the federal govt. and the entire media machine against them. Trump was the only man that could have and did withstand the very personal onslaught of insults and rumors against him, in large part because of his own personal nature and combative personality which has been long known.

    Like David slaying Goliath with a sling and stone, Trump becoming the victor went against all odds and would have been utterly impossible without Divine intervention.

  8. And now many are seeing why some of us were on President Trumps side from the very start.
    He is a force of nature unto himself.
    But here is the thing, if all of the people that work for us in DC treated the job that they have been sent to do like P. Trump how different would our country look.

  9. I am convinced that the Lord has given us Trump as a warning that this time is our last chance as a nation to return to our roots in the constitution. If the 2020 election is lost, and the democrats get in the White House, the end right around the corner.

  10. I was one who got on my knees during the 2016 election season. I repented for our country and what we were becoming by allowing the left to remove God from our society and all the perversity that followed. I don’t have God’s understanding, so I asked him to save us. President Trump was elected against major opposition. Now, we have to support what God has done.

    Romans 13:1 Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.

    2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

  11. When the commie muslim was first elected I sat in my driveway, inside my car after work, and bawled. I was so scared for my country and for my children. When Trump was elected I cried again….tears of shocked joy. God Bless our President. #TRUMP2020

  12. Over the years I have thought back to the 2012 Democrat convention at which they raucously denied God three times.
    When it happened I saw it as a direct sign from them of
    what they were and who they served. I waited, watched
    and prayed. As time has passed they have continued to deepen their hateful desires to harm anything truly good.
    Nothing says this more than their slaughter of the innocents.
    I now condider that The Donald, who went through an apparantly impassable gauntlet to become President,
    is Gods’ very direct response to their mockery and our continued prayers.

  13. Claudia: That was almost identically my path, too. And I concur. We must not grow weary!

    John: I literally held my breath when I heard of that unspeakably evil miasma blasting out of their convention. “They are tempting the Lord their God”! I asked Him to convict their hearts, cast the scales from their eyes, move them to repentance and forgiveness. To use it to reach the lost, awaken/revive His people in our nation, and around the globe.

    No. 40 was the first Presidential election I could vote in. I recall the time surrounding his term of office being invigorating and ‘righteous’. But, now I sense the very presence of our Lord and His light, everywhere. Not necessarily just around President Trump, who really is just clay used of God, but the ‘air is electrified’. His hand is unmistakable. I can’t adequately explain it…my more liberal family and friends think I’m foolish, the others look at me askance, nervously agreeing.

    God is in control. I am grateful to live in this time to witness it.


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