What Etruscan Sounded Like – IOTW Report

What Etruscan Sounded Like

Italy’s lost language? They gave Rome the alphabet, but we hardly know them. Here’s how we pieced together the extinct language of an early Italian civilization.

10 Comments on What Etruscan Sounded Like

  1. The funny thing is that for years whenever people tell me we are living on land stolen from the Indians, I have always responded with:

    “What about my culture?”
    “The Romans stole the land from my Etruscan ancestors!”
    “Where is my ancient land acknowledgement and apology?”

    The response is usually , “Who?, Your nuts!”

    Thanks for the video.
    One culture always replaces another and we are all living on land that was once someone elses.

  2. Umm, yes. The human race has lost languages. Try to find people who know Etruscan, Latin, etc.
    Don’t get me wrong, I love to learn ancient languages, and we should at least know about them, but I am not going to tell people that they need to learn them. Just understand where our current languages came from.

  3. Language governs thinking, what you think about, how you think about it, and why you think about it.

    It’s not just the unspoken words in your thoughts that do it, the phonics of the spoken words has a direct effect on brain activity as well and cause different peoples to think differently and develop their cultures and societies differently.

    The reason for that little incident on the plains of Shinar so long ago. It separates the peoples and cultures from one another.

  4. Etruscan farts always end on an up note, like a question.


    Modern Italian farts are always a declarative.


    Thanks for attending my Tedx talk, Jethro.


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