What Greens Don’t Get About Volcanoes, Oceans, and Weather – IOTW Report

What Greens Don’t Get About Volcanoes, Oceans, and Weather

American Thinker:

By Viv Forbes

Despite Green propaganda, recent Australian floods were not caused by coal, cattle, or cars.  Weather is driven by winds; solar energy powers the winds and draws moisture for them from the oceans.  These eternal natural rain-making processes have been aided recently by two extra factors.

Firstly, a big La Niña weather event in the Pacific Ocean has left warmer water closer to Australia.

Secondly, there is increased underwater volcanism in this region, as evidenced by the volcanic eruptions near Vanuatu.

Earth’s climate history is written in the rocks.  Anyone who cares to read that record will see that recurring Ice Ages, not global warming, pose the greatest threat to life on Earth.  Even in today’s warm Holocene Era, the Little Ice Age was a time of war, famine, and distress, whereas the Medieval Warm Period heralded a time of peace and plenty.

Earth’s weather is driven by winds powered by convection currents, which get most of their energy from the sun.

13 Comments on What Greens Don’t Get About Volcanoes, Oceans, and Weather

  1. Eco-ideologues also never consider the impact of solar installations, wind installations, hydroelectric installations (and getting the materials to make all of them).

  2. Warm Period heralded a time of peace and plenty [of lunatic whacked out mentally challenged evil leftists hell bent on destroying all life].

    .04% – CO2 in our atmosphere
    3% – Percentage of human generated CO2 of .04%
    .0012% – CO2 in our atmosphere directly attributable to human activity.

  3. What Greens Don’t Get About Volcanoes, Oceans, and Weather

    At the top of the hierarchy, greens don’e CARE about volcanoes, oceans, and weather except insofar as large numbers of numskulls can be sucked in to become ideological slaves and enable the bosses to drive towards their real goal of one-world communism with themselves in charge.

  4. One single volcanic eruption on the scale of Mt. St. Helen, Mt. Pinatubo, Mt. Vesuvius, or Krakatoa put more pollution into the atmosphere during a single event than all human activity throughout history. Science, anyone?

  5. I had this boy in Afghanistan, he was maybe 8, his ass was as hot as a volcano!
    Didn’t know shit about the Oceans or Weather, though.

    I miss that boy – sold him to some Taliban – got $20! Not bad for a used kid.

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