What Happened? – IOTW Report

What Happened?

I’ve read too many official versions.
It’s the ankle…No it’s the toe!  She fell! No, she tripped!

Now you get to report the story.

37 Comments on What Happened?

  1. I just wish this experiment was over there is no point to her anymore she should be put out to pasture.
    We don’t need a daily update on what she does. I was so sick and tired of seeing her ugly puss during the presidential election I thought when she lost that would be it. Certainly there must be some other
    liberal besides an obama or a Clinton that has a chance to be elected to something.
    No one is going to vote for her for anything. Who cares what she does or doesn’t do.

  2. Foot drop. It’s caused by a stroke usually, but can be by injury.

    This explains her continued tripping, special glasses, fucked up eyes….coumadin/warferin meds….pinnched/constricted perineal nerve

    I know this because I have foot drop from a dislocated knee and severed perineal nerve…

  3. If the soft cast/boot isn’t gone in a couple of weeks, then I think we’re on to something. If it reappears, then it’s it’s true. An ankle foot orthotic (AFO) will soon follow. They are hard to hide and your walking stride will tell the tale…..give me some videos of her walking in 4 weeks and I’ll tell you the truth….I got 32 years of knowing this walk….

  4. It’s a Terminator T-600Beta!
    Kyle Reese: “Listen, and understand! That Terminator is out there! She can’t be bargained with. She can’t be reasoned with. She doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And she absolutely will not stop… ever, until she is President!”

  5. Hillary, I feel you pain. I get the same way when I polish off a half bottle of scotch in one setting too. I broke my little toe on the corner leg of my bed once. Damn that hurt.
    Don’t sweat it. Tell everyone you were dodging sniper fire when it happened. They will buy it.

  6. Naw, Hillary has had several minor strokes….I bet she sleeps with compression boots.

    They wanted to get her to the white house and then have Bill be the sock puppet… that’s an image…

  7. “You want me to tell you what my foot thinks?

    My foot is not president of the United States.

    I was supposed to be.

    You want my opinion, you ask me.

    I’m not going to be channeling my foot.”

  8. She didn’t break or twist anything, it’s just that she was too hung over to make her early morning morning book flogging appearances and wanted a phony excuse that would bring sympathy instead of criticism for the no-shows.

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