“What Happened?” – IOTW Report

“What Happened?”

Trying to figure out and decipher what Joe Biden is actually saying is like trying to figure out if it was Miss Scarlett, Professor Plum, Mrs Peacock, the Reverend Green or Colonel Mustard in the library. Riddle away Joe !!

14 Comments on “What Happened?”

  1. “It isn’t necessary to actually nationalize and operate the store (or supermarket) it is only to necessary to control those who own and operate them now.”

    Joey’s giving us an insight into the National Socialist operation of Socialism, as opposed to the Soviet or Chinese.

    I speak retard.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Every 6 or 7 weeks I need a forklift for my cart when I go to the grocery store. I’m going to ask for one the next time – of course, after I get my forklift operator’s license from China.

  3. I hadn’t thought about it, but the guy who says it is a robot that is taking his past speeches and throwing random pieces together is starting to make some sense to me. Throw in a number of filler words and you have every statement Joe has made in the last year

  4. I used to marvel at the ability of the MSM to edit out the goofy shit Joe would occasionally spew. But now, they have to throw out entire speeches and interviews , because it is ALL gibberish. How the hell can they prop up this baboon until November? They are already calling for no debates.

  5. I saw a clip of Pedo Joe speaking and there was a Sign Language interpreter next to him trying to interpret his gibberish into ASL. The look of utter frustration and confusion on the face of the interpreter was kinda hilarious but I did feel sorry for her. Can you imagine being tasked with making sense of the word salad that Pedo Joe spews and interpreting it into another language? Impossible.

  6. …the $1.2 billion Joe is mouthing about (if you go back a bit further) is supposedly unpaid overtime. I work in a NON union shop and I’ve NEVER had an issue getting my (every WEEK, 7 days a week, 10 hour days) overtime paid.


    ..I do know people who DO have problems with that.

    In unions.

    Because the UNION screws them.

    Best example is a guy I mentioned before, he works for Ford in MI and filed a grievance for unpaid ovetime.

    The union traded it to Ford in exchange for Ford not firing a guy caught sleeping on the job.

    Never asked him, just sent him a letter later telling him about it, and no appeal possible. Can’t file a grievance against the UNION very well, who ya gonna call, Ford?

    …so yeah, Joe, those Union workers you were talking to probably DID get screwed over.


    …”union” and “management” in a Union shop is just like “democrat” and “republican”. They are both corrupt together, and are both corrupt against US.

    ..I’ll make my OWN deals with Management, thank you very much. I don’t NEED someone collectivizing what I get, which is how this stuff HAPPENS…

  7. Crazy Uncle Joe is speaking Deep State lingo. He’s trying to say, with what is left of his dementia eroded brain, is that only crony capitalism matters to the Deep State.
    Joe is trying to extol so called “benefits” the spaghetti sauce forklift guy will reap as a proletariat State worker – which is none in reality. The grocery worker would be just a great example of State slave labor in Crazy Uncle Joe’s America.

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