“What Happened?” Hillary insults Bernie Sanders and supporters – IOTW Report

“What Happened?” Hillary insults Bernie Sanders and supporters

DC: An excerpt from Hillary Clinton’s upcoming book on the 2016 election circulating online shows her taking digs at Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

A photo of a page from Clinton’s upcoming book, “What Happened,” set to be released September 12, shows Clinton criticizing Sanders for, among other things, “causing lasting damage” to the Clinton campaign and “paving the way” for Trump’s characterization of her as “crooked.”  more here

24 Comments on “What Happened?” Hillary insults Bernie Sanders and supporters

  1. suck it up butterbutt, you LOST. Not because of Bernie, but because your a lying bitch that has screwed over damn near every pol in DC. You stole, connived, sold our national resources to our enemy, ran a scam charity and got amazingly rich doing it. You have fewer morals than a alley cat. And those are your good points

  2. Has Hillary Clinton ever taken responsibility for ANYTHING??

    How in the world could this individual EVER be in a position of leadership?

    We dodged a BIG BULLET last November. She is a criminal, a liar, a vapid, vacuous and phony blame monger.


  3. She probably forgot to blame: the Sun, moon, stars. astrologer or hairstylist, makeup artist, driver, chef, attendance, servants, medical staff, weather conditions. That about covers it!

  4. Two observations: 1) “…criticizing Sanders for, among other things, ‘causing lasting damage’ to the Clinton campaign…” Her hypocrisy is breathtaking. If Hillary’s flying monkeys hadn’t rigged the primary, which caused “lasting damage” to Bernie’s campaign, she never would have gotten the nomination.

    2) “…and ‘paving the way’ for Trump’s characterization of her as ‘crooked.'” See number 1.

  5. Completely agree with you, Brown Eyed Girl. It takes serious cojones to claim Sanders cost her the election when, through “Super delegates” she rigged the system in her favor and had the DNC putting out negative stories about Bernie.

    I do love the fact that now 10 months after the election, she’s apparently still trying to figure out what happened, and with as much cluelessness as what cost her the election.

  6. So let’s see, about half of the voters voted for Trump and they are deplorables who are partially to blame. And Sanders got what, let’s say 40% of the votes during the Democratic primaries. Considering that there probably weren’t that many Sanders supporters who turned around and voted for Trump, wouldn’t that suggest that a vast majority of voters were either Trump or Sanders supporters? If that is the case then it seems likely that Clinton did not have near the support she thinks she did.

    I know I am going out on a limb here, but maybe that is why she lost.

  7. Macedonian Content Farmers. Don’t forget the Macedonian Content Farmers backing Socialist/Democrat Candidate Senator Bernie Sanders. And, then the Macedonian Content Farmers backed Green Party Candidate Jill Stein. These Macedonian Content Farmers were in collusion with somebody! How about a Special Counsel to investigate this collusion? What Happened? Macedonian Content Farmers happened!

  8. Hilly stole the title of “What Happened” from me. I sent her a copy of my book – when she opened the front cover there was a mirror – and she chose to use my title for her own pack of lies.

  9. She was lucky if 300 hundred people showed up at a campaign stop. The writing was on the wall long before the commie started pulling in the insane.

    She is fortunate to have SS protection after blowing millions of dollars in bribes she collected.

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