What happened inside Hillary Clinton’s FBI interview? – IOTW Report

What happened inside Hillary Clinton’s FBI interview?

Former FBI assistant director provides insight.

15 Comments on What happened inside Hillary Clinton’s FBI interview?

  1. it’s all bs, a charade to cover for hillary while pretending to take it seriously, no indictment

    thru all of this, clinton remains popular, and her electorate remind me of slim pickens riding the bomb to his doom in dr strangelove, zombies all

  2. Hillary has been preparing for this prom dance since last summer.

    They didn’t even get near her email panties. Every time the FBI slipped their hand up her knee she slapped it away. If the FBI wants to get some, there’s gonna have to be a rape indictment.

  3. We all know the lyrics to this song by now. It’s from her Greatest Hits album. Sing it with me, guys…

    “Drag feet. Delay. Submit bare minimum of required data on day of deadline. Distract. Blame Republicans. Call accusers ‘sexist’. Answer with ‘I don’t recall’. After a few months, make sure the media calls it ‘old news’. Then, whenever the subject is brought up, ask ‘What difference at this point does it make?’ Lather. Rinse. Repeat.”

  4. @PHenry: You got that right. I believe I may have suffered a small cerebral aneurysm just thinking about it.

    Must stop commenting now. Typing hand going numbbbbbbbbbbbbb


  5. FBI – “Mornin Mrs. Clinton.”
    HRC – “Fuck you.”
    FBI – “Nice pant suit.”
    HRC – “Fuck you.”
    FBI – “You really look fit.”
    HRC – “Fuck you.”
    FBI – “May I lick your ass?”
    HRC – “Fuck you.”
    FBI – “May I kiss your feet?”
    HRC – “Fuck you.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. You, absolutely, know that if they had that much evidence before tracking her down, when she reverted to her charming personality disorder (do you really think she can keep that much crazy on the chain, when surrounded by those arrogant pricks, for that long?), that she’d have been shot at least 42 time when she “lunged at them with a pen, putting them in fear of their lives,” if she was half as black as her husband.

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