Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon addressed The Citadel Republican Society’s 2017 Patriot Dinner, regaling the crowd at the storied Charleston, South Carolina, military academy with tales of the 2016 Trump campaign, of which he was CEO.
“Ma’am, with all due respect, what happened is that you got your ass kicked,” Bannon told the diners, mocking What Happened, Hillary’s heavily-promoted, 900-page tome on her unexpected defeat after nearly four years of anointment as the next President of the United States, in which she blames nearly everything but her own weakness as a candidate.
The remark came after a spirited recollection of the play-by-play of the roller-coaster election night that saw an ordained victory for Hillary Clinton transmute into the Trump triumph Bannon claimed to know was a “100 percent metaphysical certainty.”
Bannon explained the development of the Trump coalition that, in his words, “won the single greatest come-from-behind victory in American political history.”
“I’m a populist and I’m an economic nationalist and I’m proud of it,” he remembers telling Reince Pribus, then Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman, as the election entered its final phase. more here
Steve Bannon Receives Citadel Republican Society’s Patriot Award .
And what a wonderfully satisfying gigantic well-deserved A$$ Kicking it was!!
Once out of the White House he said he was going to war. Fake news said different.
Dude is hitting the rinos low and hard!
Which is yuuuge because old Sir Hillary Rodham Clinton is all ass!
still trying to understand the symbolism of the ‘purple’ during The Harridan’s concession speech … other than it was the color of their collective anuses…
Hillary Clinton Having Series Of Major Meltdown On Camera
What Happened is you were lounging on you fa-toss while Candidate Trump was working 4 campaign stops a day, He ran circles around your annointedness pointing out the head no accomplishments for your entire public life. Citizens caught on to that!!
What Happened=look at the hag you see in the mirror, she was about as popular as bubonic plague!
Food for thought on the one-year anniversary of Trump’s election into office;
she got blind-sided by an ass kickin’
She orchestrated one of the biggest unintentional political suicide bombings in history. God, it was fun to watch.
She orchestrated one of the biggest unintentional political suicide bombings in history. God, it was fun to watch.
And she’s surprisingly not done yet!
The fact that she chose purple, the color ince reserved for royalty, says exactly how she thinks of herself.
Looks like a vampire, to me.
Often dress like Dukes and Viceroys of old Europe.
Works for me.
Add to previous post: “Like Counts”
The dems sense of entitlement makes me sick. The White House is their rightful place and when occupied by republicans it is seen as a trespass. Well, too bad, get used to it.
From the point of view of a private citizen: it appears that the female presidential candidate killed all the necessary people, stole everything necessary, lied about everything necessary, cheated on everything necessary and really, really did her part. Whats wrong with the rest of her crew? She did all the heavy lifting, and her people failed her. She even had her purple suit already to go. I am guessing that the purple outfits were a signal the purple revolution was under way. Oddly, she was not at the helm. What Happened? A miracle. What interests me the most is, Whats Going To Happen to this pillar of DC society? Truth and Justice from the swamp? It will take another miracle. I hate everything she stands for. Derpbithch. And her faithful sidekick Huma. WJC is a fine piece of work too. I want freedom from this hideous form of government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich at Lie Steal Kill Inc.
What happened?
You bargained on the stupidity of “deplorables” that are a lot more perceptive about your particular species of reptile than your ego would EVER credit anyone else having.
Never underestimate your opponent, and NEVER treat people as less than who they are.
They tend to resent that, and visit retribution.