What Happened To Hannity? – IOTW Report

What Happened To Hannity?

Emerald Robinson:

Allow me to introduce a painful subject that’s difficult to discuss in conservative circles but long overdue: what has happened to Sean Hannity?

Now I’m not talking about the fact that Hannity seems to have done the exact same TV show for the last two years on autopilot. This seems so obvious that it’s hardly a controversial opinion. Even his ardent admirers can admit that most nights sound like they were pre-taped in 2019. What’s changed really? The scripts are exactly the same but the eyes look sad.

Let’s call this the “vape pen” phase of the Hannity show.

I’m also not talking about why Hannity keeps putting the GOP establishment’s court jester Lindsey Graham on the air to say absurd things like “I’m gonna get to the bottom of Russiagate.” Why Hannity keeps giving air time to Republican grifters like Senator Graham is a matter for Hannity and his audience to argue over — or perhaps Hannity and his shrink. Does he still believe Graham’s dumb lies? Or does he simply not care?

That’s another essay entirely. more here

42 Comments on What Happened To Hannity?

  1. He turned into a screaming Karen COVID coward right after Coof hit, even publicly calling for his own apartment building in NYC to do mandatory Coof test and bar anyone who refused or didn’t wear a mask from going TO THEIR OWN APARTMENT *before* DeB made NYC full Nazi, and he’s been a Vaxxhole ever since too.

    Fuck that cowardly asshole.

    He’s dead to me.

  2. I don’t listen to Hannity – I find him grating. He’s all in for the jab, he can’t be that stupid about what’s going on with the jab, yet he promotes it. Also tired of hearing him talk about doing it all – he wasn’t afraid to work, he was a wallpaper hanger, painter, roofer, dishwasher – big whoop. Hannity is boring.

  3. I have long felt that Hannity is not the sharpest knife in the drawer. While Rush’s bluster was an act backed up by his knowledge of the issues, Hannity always seemed to be blustery to hide the fact that he is an idiot. I wish that someone would tell him that “literally” does not mean what he thinks it means (not that that is a big thing, but it does show his thinking processes or lack thereof).

    I watch lots of videos on YouTube from Tucker Carlson, Jesse Waters, The Five, and Gutfeld, but I never watch anything from Hannity.

  4. Haven’t been able stand him for years. His show both the radio show and the TV show are the same day in and day out. He’s not a pimple on Rush’s butt. Rush somehow kept his show fresh everyday.

  5. Up until now, I had a great deal of respect for Kayleigh McEnany but if she was actually taking phone calls from this clown and crafting the WH “playbook” over his advice, well, this speaks volumes about how utterly rudderless that office was in the late stages.

    Hannity does more good than harm (I suppose) for the conservative cause, but yes, he is beyond boring.

  6. Never understood why he had any appeal at all. Unlike Rush, who deftly moved his show along with an innate sense of knowing when to change topics, Hannity latches onto something and just keeps pounding like a mad man with a hammer who isn’t happy until he’s knocked the head off the nail.

  7. Left Hannity probably 10 years ago. He seemed to be soft-pedaling the important stuff, and giving way too much time to the opposition. “Controlled Opposition”, I think, is an apt description.

  8. I only watch the odd Hannity you tube highlight.

    I will say one thing, in general, that many Americans may not realize.
    When I drive My Daughter to University, at some locations of the highway I get his radio show for free.
    In the early Weeks of COOF-19 Canadian Talk Radio was the most DEPRESSING Shit I ever Heard.
    When I switched to a Hannity Feed, I heard a message of Hope & Strength. Something to the effect of, We have been through hard Times before, like our ancestors, 2 World wars, 9/11, and America will come out stronger. etc…

    My daughter noticed the difference in messaging & tone. It was blazingly obvious.
    I still remember that drive, the University had cancelled the remainder of the year, it was the saddest I had ever seen young students and Canada had been bombarded with 2 weeks of hell like radio dreck. And remember Trudeau was Prime minister.

    Fast forward about 23 months to today, and Hannity/Conservative radio were basically correct despite you currently suffering through the WORST President You Ever Had.

    Hannity’s mailing it in recently could be that he tired, realizes that he still has 3 more years of Biden, and that the GOP & Advertising divisions are forcing him to have these useless RePubelickers on.

    I myself have been mailing it in. I live in a city where everyone is liberal and asleep, the media’s lies about decent farmers & truckers & inflation is crushing these fools.

    So yes, he’s not great.
    But imagine if Crissy Wallace had his slot!

    Cheers Bastages!

  9. The only radio show I will listen to at this point is Dennis Prager. Got rid of cable years ago, so no one to watch there.

    Used to catch Hannity years ago after he followed Rush’s show on local radio. It was enjoyable until a couple years ago, then it was monotonous.

    “Shifty Schiff, pencil-neck Adam Schiff, congenital liar…bleach-bit…hard-drives, cell phones destroyed with a hammer…tik tok.”

    It’s not that I think Hannity is wrong necessarily, there’s just nothing new and he’s annoying at this point. But to be honest, I’m disinterested with much of anyone or anything to do with politics at this point.

  10. Several years ago he had a guest on with a big revelation that Hannity had naturally hyped for at least a week…can’t remember what it was now…but when the guy got to the final, really juicy point Hannity cut him off, went to a break, and the guy was gone when the break was over.

    My Spidey Sense smelled something so I tuned in for about a week. Sure enough, several days after, what that guy only got to hint at before being cut off was now an all-new, all-Hannity exclusive “bombshell.”

    I knew then he was a class A thieving grifter. Haven’t heard him since.

  11. Yeah, Hannity is not too bright and definitely a Bush stooge. Between his fake self deprecating humor, which is a ploy to get compliments to build his ego, interrupting his guests, repetitive comments and straddling both sides of the fence, I finally gave up listening to Hannity a while ago.

  12. Worst Hannity interview ever: Having then Gov. Cuomo on his radio show in March or April of 2020 and performing verbal fellatio on him while offering to do anything to help with the Covid. It made me puke, twice.

    PS: Sean, didn’t anyone ever tell you not to dip your pen in the company ink?


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