‘What happened to Joe Biden?’ – IOTW Report

‘What happened to Joe Biden?’

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25 Comments on ‘What happened to Joe Biden?’

  1. What happened to Joe? Just guessing, but here are some thoughts:
    – failing mental health? (BTW, not joking, I have a father who is displaying some of these signs and my family is worried)
    – Drugs – I do not have any evidence of this, just trying to explain the decline
    – Hillary – Why not, she is the rightful president
    – Failing mental health – Wait, I am old, didn’t I post that earlier?
    – Kamala tainting his food so she becomes president through amendment 25?
    – Too much huffing of children’s shampoo?

  2. Hey Joe6pak….”Odd Duck” here…..Nah, run em all and run em often. It makes my liberal friends and family stutter (literally)….It’s a beautiful thing….

  3. face it, everyone, including the voting cheating marxist d’rats know that Biden is merely a place-holder for the ‘VP to be named later’

    & it doesn’t matter. they don’t care who runs, as long as they get rid of Trump
    (& many so-called repubs in congress agree; at this point, I fear, there are less than 50 repubs that truly support PDT)

    their goal is to put into place a puppet, any puppet … Biden, Harris, Rice, Warren, Sanders, etc. … they’re all the same … easily bought, just like Obama (Bush, Carter, Bush, Clinton) was

    to them, just another cheap, bought whore to fool the masses

  4. What happened? All that evil and hate is finally catching up with him. Look at Hillary – the epitome of evil and hate. It’s coming for every last miserable one of them – Maxi Pad Waters, Bug-eyed Pelosi, Chuckles Schumer, etc.

    See, once in awhile you DO get to see people get what’s coming to them. Sit back and enjoy the show!

  5. Odd Duck, I think we are better off keeping our powder dry until he is the nominee. Then let them have with both barrels. We want him to be the nominee, don’t we? if we destroy him before the convention we may end up with Lindsey Graham running as the donkey we know he is. He would be a liberal hero.

  6. Liberals don’t care. They’ll vote for whoever has a D behind their name. They won’t care if a committee is running things behind the scenes-because they think it’s Obama and crew. If only Obama was POTUS again. This is close enough.

    Biden isn’t Trump-that’s their happy place.

  7. @Illustr8r:

    Biden isn’t Trump — that’s their happy place.

    Neither is Kanye West!

    I sure hope he stays in the race. Not that I’d ever vote for him, but maybe, just maybe, he’ll take some votes from Joey.

  8. Biden is their shield for Ukrainium One. They’re going to flog the addled fool until he collapses and then blame the bully Trump for beating up on a poor old patriot. Right now, I see people on the right pitying Joe and the elder abuse by Democrats. I hope these same people are ready to be accused of the same when the Dems start projecting.

  9. His time is swiftly ending and he’s leaving by one of the
    ways most of us dread. That the foul Democrats are running
    this age-sick man for President speaks clearly of their
    callous and brutal nature. What else can you expect from a group that supports infanticide?

  10. @flip:

    I triple down on this. Biden will be found dead in late August of “natural causes.”

    Another possibility is Joey will collapse during a phony “debate” with President Trump and it’ll be announced that he died of a heart attack or stroke. That will be one more focal point for “It’s Trump’s Fault!”

  11. I JUST now realized it, BUT…

    The demtards can’t just shove Joe aside quietly. He’s gonna hafta DIE, and make a martyr for the party! 😮 I just worry about how many Secret Service agents are gonna be taken out in the process. 😳

    Hitlery stops at NOTHING. 😡


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