What Happened To ‘No Malarkey’? Lawyer Accused of Defrauding BP Oil Spill Settlement Hosts Biden Fundraiser – IOTW Report

What Happened To ‘No Malarkey’? Lawyer Accused of Defrauding BP Oil Spill Settlement Hosts Biden Fundraiser

And no one is the least bit surprised.

Breitbart: Joe Biden attended a fundraiser hosted by a high-profile trial lawyer, once accused of defrauding the British Petroleum (BP) oil spill recovery effort, during a recent campaign swing through Texas.

The former vice president traveled to the Lone Star State on Friday for a series of events meant to bolster his standing ahead of Super Tuesday. Among the scheduled rallies and town halls was a little noticed fundraiser in San Antonio, Texas, with Democrat power brokers. The event, attended by a bevy of special interests, was hosted by Mikal Watts, a well connected trial lawyer.

Watts, who unsuccessfully sought the Democrat nomination for U.S. Senate in 2008 on a pro-life and anti-gay marriage platform, is a prolific campaign donor. Since 1992, Watts has steered more than a million to Democrat candidates and causes. Included on the list of elected officials he has backed are President Barack Obama, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). Warren, in particular, benefited from a $25,000 donation the trial lawyer gave to a federal PAC supporting her reelection campaign in 2018.

Apart from being known as top-dollar political donor, Watts is also one of the country’s most sought after trial lawyers. Watts has fought and won numerous multi-million-dollar settlements against the giants of corporate America, like Ford Motor Company and TransUnion. One of those cases, however, nearly ended with the trial lawyer, himself, behind bars. read more

4 Comments on What Happened To ‘No Malarkey’? Lawyer Accused of Defrauding BP Oil Spill Settlement Hosts Biden Fundraiser

  1. The “No Malarkey” Tour has been renamed the “Some Shenanigans” Tour. Please stand by while Joe expands his Natural Gas Grift to include an Oil grift. He will be well positioned when he takes down the coal industry as President, as he has vowed to do.


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