What happened to Spring? – IOTW Report

What happened to Spring?

Increasing sea ice is a result of human-caused global warming.

Here we go again.
Apparently, the warmer it gets, the icier it gets.
And we’re supposed to believe it.

“Ships plying the North Atlantic Ocean in spring are facing increased hazards from floating Arctic sea ice as a result of human-caused global warming.” says Discover Magazine.


Delayed spring means delayed crops.

“Most of Romania is covered by snow at 24th March. Very rare event, I’m not sure if it happened before since the weather is recorded.”


Spain – Port of Montenegro closed due to snow.


Moscow -“It’s not like spring at all”


D.C. doubles previous snowfall record.


Snowiest SEASON in New York City in 130 years.


Bulgarians rush to save frozen storks.

“I found five frozen storks near the village road the day before yesterday,” said Safet Halil, from the village of Zaritsa. “I took them home, lit a stove to warm them and fed them fish.”


22 Comments on What happened to Spring?

  1. I really can’t stay
    (But baby noaa says it’s warm outside)

    I’ve got to away
    (But baby noaa says it’s warm outside)

    This evening has been
    (Been hoping that you’d drop in)

    So very nice
    (I’ll hold your hands, they’re just like ice)

    Al Gore will start worry
    (Beautiful whats your hurry)

    Bill Nye will be pacing the floor
    (Listen to the fireplace roar)

    So really I’d better scurry
    (Beautiful please don’t hurry)

    But maybe just a half a Billion $$$$ more
    (Put some records on while I pour)

    The neighbors are libtards and they don’t think
    (Baby it’s bad out there)

  2. Well, it’s quite simple. Global warming is breaking up the polar ice caps. All those icebergs floating around in the pacific and atlantic are acting like ice cubes, cooling off the oceans, and causing cold weather. Just ask Bill Nye!

  3. There’s a great BBC documentary series on Netflix called POLAR SEA about private yachts attempting to complete a Northwest Passage during a recent summer melt.

    The script dutifully genuflects to Global Warming and bemoans Climate Change, but its historic 200-year backstory on the various doomed Royal Navy expeditionary attempts makes clear that the Arctic passages are thawed some years, frozen on others in mysterious cycles we can’t explain and long predate man made fossil fuels.

  4. Talking about global warming and the government cuts all the trees 🌳 for paper 📝 for the bill . I live in the socialist state of Maryland were on Wednesday it’s snow ❄️ and the government was shot down. I don’t believe in global warming.

  5. The eastern Canadian Arctic (and Greenland) had severe cold all winter long. The western side – and the Alaskan Arctic – were warmer than normal. Thus, the heavy North Atlantic ice.

  6. So Cal : Went from Fall To Spring, my Plumeria’s simply dropped their foilage and then 4 weeks later started leafing out, this isn’t something that happens in a Mediterranean climate.
    We’ve got Problems bigger than this in store, unless it’s a freak occurrence, and it seems too uniform for a coincidence !

  7. DC had another unusually mild Winter with even less snow than usual, even including Monday’s unusual Nor’easter.

    100 year records for the Cherry Blossom bloomings show them all over the charts in a 5 week range, in cycles, but no particular pattern.

    The Fed weather service can’t predict rain or snow 36 hours out….but they claim they can predict planetary temperatures at the end of the century?
    Hilarious. Please clap.

  8. @ This Texan Has Had Enough

    Been beautiful in Texas since Feb ended, eh?

    Shorter version: “All your Spring are belong to us”

    Can’t imagine why, but I hear a Chinese accent when I read that.

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