What happened to this guy? – IOTW Report

What happened to this guy?

Who ended up saying this “And so, we’ve got groups here in town, members of the House and Senate here in town, who whipped people into a frenzy believing they can accomplish things that they know — they know — are never going to happen…”

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11 Comments on What happened to this guy?

  1. Why would anyone remain in the Republican Party? Change registration to Independent and then change back and forth between the two grotesque parties depending on who and why you want to vote. Drive the SOB’s crazy. Do not give them any money!

  2. In his interview with Dave Feherty on Golf TV he said that his ambition , once elected to Congress, was to become Speaker of The House. Not to serve his constituency, not to serve the American people, not to uphold the Constitution and the Laws of the Land, but to become Speaker of The House. So that’s all he worked on. He was disappointed that, because of he being Speaker, he could not play more golf with the President.
    Check the interview out. The guy is a 14 carat scumbag.

  3. 14 carat has been alloyed to make it stronger and be available to more people.
    Boner is pure nugget scumbag, living in his Midas world, the only thing he turned to gold, his skin.

  4. Doesn’t matter if the things are never going to happen, now.

    The people elected majorities in both legislative branches to enable the leadership to fight the battles anyway. Win or lose.

    Which would be encouragement to the voters to elect additional help in the next election to win the final outcome of killing Obamacare, securing the borders, keeping America and Americans safe, and reining in bloated over spending , over regulating government, and general lawlessness, etc from the Executive and Judicial branches. Why elect more R troops if the leadership is weak, wont fight , and does nothing to halt the destruction of the country?

    JB is exiting a cry-baby, the same way he arrived as Speaker.

  5. no doubt barry got the tapes and put some Boehner boner footage on his phone. He and Boehner were out golfing and barry showed him a clip of him getting it on with some young tail.

    “Yous gon be my bess fren Johnny boy. Ya hears me, boy? You diss me, Johnny boy, and this here shit goes on youtube.”

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