What Happened When Ketanji Brown Jackson Went Easy on a Sex Offender – IOTW Report

What Happened When Ketanji Brown Jackson Went Easy on a Sex Offender

Daily Signal: In text messages, Neil Stewart talked explicitly about his interest in sex involving minors while setting up what he thought was a meeting at the National Zoo with a man and his 9-year-old daughter, according to a prosecutor’s memo.

“What a bday gift that would be,” Stewart said, referring to the meeting happening on his 31st birthday in October 2015, if the 9-year-old girl “would like to play.” 

In February 2017, U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson sentenced Stewart to 57 months in prison, or just under five years, after his conviction for possessing and distributing child pornography. 

That punishment, far less than the 97 to 121 months prescribed by federal sentencing guidelines, is likely to come up Monday during Jackson’s Senate confirmation hearing on her appointment to the Supreme Court. 

In another text, Stewart “provided advice” on how to begin convincing a child to have sexual intercourse, which then could be captured on video. 

“The trick,” he wrote, “is starting with really small toys and gradually moving up until something is the same size. And vibration.”  more

13 Comments on What Happened When Ketanji Brown Jackson Went Easy on a Sex Offender

  1. She can’t understand why society has harsh penalties for outrageous crimes?!

    She needs to be disbarred (whatever term applies to judges) now, as she has no idea what a “justice system” might be used for.


  2. She can’t understand why society has harsh penalties for outrageous crimes?!”

    Yeah, well, you have to put that into the context of the nonsensical trash our Law Schools spew out.

    And besides, all that matters is that she’s a clean, articulate black WYMAN and that her parents strove for a better life for her.

  3. There is an inner & outer ugliness to that woman.
    I know you have to be butt-ugly to be a dem woman on the court but something more sinister-ugly that I can’t put my finger on?
    Is it her shit-brown color?
    I know that sounds racist AF but her shade of brown and man’s mouth is really off-putting.
    Brown turd seems to fit…

  4. Boffing children is just a simple matter of course for her and her social set.
    Nihilists, totalitarians, Satanists, izlamists – whatever – consider children less than human – boff or kill – or boff AND kill.


    Epstein’s vast clientele is proof – giants of politics, Academia, Tech, Hollyweird, Media, Wall St, and Madison Ave threw money at him, by the millions, to have sex with babies.

    And this “judge” is one node of the network that keeps them out of jail.
    No one can convince me that Sacramento isn’t aware of the pedophilia so prevalent in Hollyweird, for instance.
    If she had a conscience she’d kill herself.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. From the linked article, the lawyer’s defense of the pedophile:

    Bennett’s 28-page presentence mitigation report waxed admiringly about Stewart’s art career. “Mr. Stewart’s personal story of artistic achievement in the areas of the visual arts to include sculptures, sketching and painting has been inspirational and aspirational, especially to all those he has mentored, who, like him, began life’s journey under different circumstances,” Bennett wrote, adding: Mr. Stewart has completed and sold over 200 commissioned art pieces.

    Oh. So, artists should be exempt from punishment for child porn and solicitation? WTF? Funny, can’t find any links to the ‘art’ –which is probably so awful even Hunter Biden’s gallery wouldn’t take it on…

  6. She is just a stalking horse to place an activist SJW on the Court. Once installed she will soon be appearing on media pontificating on every manner of court case and criminal justice policy. Think of her as a one-woman Squad in a Black robe. She will be very vocal in pushing the Court hard to the left.


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