What happens now to Gen. Flynn? – IOTW Report

What happens now to Gen. Flynn?

Sebastian Gorka talks with General Mike Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell about the latest never ending saga of Flynn’s legal battle.

20 Comments on What happens now to Gen. Flynn?

  1. @gee, wally – the only part of what you said I disagree with is the ‘he gets pardoned’ part.

    Pardoned for WHAT exactly?? Not for ‘lying’ correct?

    Maybe for being a political prisoner, really, to SET the new standard for the Old Swamp that tried to illegally remove him.

  2. OT: I just saw a commercial with a bunch of doctors saying how bad Trump messed up handling COVID. Never mind that the deaths are disproportionately in Democratic controlled states. Never mind that Biden’s plan for handling COVID should pretty much like the way Trump handled it, but these doctors want Biden for President because he would handle things better.

    Of course there was the requisite admonition to “follow the science.”

  3. Unbelievable that this GENERAL can serve his country as he has and then be served a SHIT SANDWICH for having done nothing wrong, in fact..everything RIGHT!!

    I think this is the most shameful thing done by the Democrats during the last 4 yrs.

    But I am biased as a combat officer. Do the right thing, expect nothing. Always.

    Liberals hate our military, always have, always will.

  4. @::::: aka Five Colons – I HEAR you.

    But you have to remember WHO served up the shit sandwich to begin with.

    BHO that is who.

    With the white help of Ole folksie Joe Buyden of course.

    By any means necesssary, to REMOVE. THAT was their mentality.

    ‘Classic’ Liberals have always respected the military, it’s that the new modern Neo American Communists that do not, at ALL.

  5. The General is subject to the form of injustice I’ll call “interminable trial by megalomaniac”. Judge, jury and an executioner using endless tribulations; Sullivan exhibits all of the worst traits of the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials barring the physical torture.

  6. Liberal/COMMIES are, and have been, playing BOTH sides of the aisle. Their commie tactics, (which includes lying, deceit, and pure BullShit), tends to work and they have very little else to depend on.

    For MANY years, they have been smart, they gained control of the MSM, our educational system and they have relentlessly installed commie PIECES OF SHIT into our political system.

    I humbly suggest they should be ‘SHOT ON SIGHT’……NO questions asked.

  7. @::::: – I hear you too. No need to be in the military (current or former) to feel that the Flynn saga is a major travesty in our history. Best example of why the Dems should never be in power and why the Republican swamp creatures need to go as well.

    Of all the reasons for me to vote for Trump this time, it is the most critical by far.

  8. GET YOUR MOB TOGETHER and go march on that idiot judges house,


    See how long he can go without sleep. When I was in the military, I went 36 hours without sleep, and you start hearing voices, and slight hallucinations. 36 hours, rotate, take turns, and he will be on his knees in less than 2 days.

  9. Turdo and his administration went after Admiral Mark Norman for different reasons. The man was entirely innocent and working with proper government authority. He was cleared and a confidential settlement reached.
    Different circumstances since Turdo’s government went after him. Not an an outside coup.

    Flynn should be retroactively paid, sue the hell out of the FBI, the FBI administrators personally that knew he was innocent, and finally sue the judge that refused to let it be dismissed.

    He should be given a position overseeing the prevention of this type of abuse.

    All that and 15 minutes of alone time with whoever he feels wronged him the most and a baseball bat.

  10. It’s very simple Patriots. Veterans, LEOs, Christians, Farmers, and white men prefer not to kneel before their Demonrat “superiors” and their boss Lucifer.

    So the commie bastards want to wipe them out and erase them from history.

    Gen Flynn is a white male, Christian, veteran who fully supports law enforcement and farmers, ergo he must be destroyed to send a message to all of PDJTs supporters “if we can get him, we can get you”…

    That is why the cabal is clinging so desperately to persecution and prosecution of Gen Flynn.

  11. Flynn for president, 2024. He has good cause to hate the right people and knowledge of the intelligence agencies, which are most in need of flushing. Clear out the (D)irtbags from the intelligence agencies and they’d be very helpful for rolling back the “long march thru the institutions”

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