What Has The National Felon League Been Up To? – IOTW Report

What Has The National Felon League Been Up To?

Denver Broncos And Dallas Cowboys Players Engage In Multiple Fights During Joint Practice.

The Dallas Cowboys participated in a joint practice with the Denver Broncos ahead of the teams’ preseason match on Saturday. However, from reports and video footage it appears there wasn’t a lot of practicing actually happening as players from both teams engaged in multiple fights.

Browns’ Deshaun Watson willing to accept more significant suspension from NFL ahead preseason debut: report.

The NFL was initially seeking at least a one-year suspension for the former Houston Texans quarterback after 24 women accused him of sexual assault; however, an independent disciplinary officer, jointly appointed by the league and the NFLPA, settled on a six-game suspension with no fine. 

Bodycam video shows cops dragging Marshawn Lynch from car during DUI arrest.

Lynch is facing charges of DUI, failure or refusal to surrender proof of insurance, driving an unregistered vehicle and failure to drive in a travel lane. His court date is Dec. 7.

He was also arrested in 2012 for DUI in California and pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless driving in 2014 before settling the case. 

10 Comments on What Has The National Felon League Been Up To?

  1. no worries …. it’s the preseason … they’re just warming up for the regular season, where we can get entertained by their routine wife/girlfriend beatings, ‘date’ rapings, killing innocent people in multiple drug & alcohol infested car crashes
    oh, & don’t forget that they’re all being oppressed ’cause they didn’t get their restimatutions from the white supremicistics

  2. Negroes are just getting worse and worse and worse… The live in a culture steeped in narcissism, willful ignorance and stupidity, entitlement, violence, and unacknowleged racism (their own). The government encourages them to be this way in order to use them as a goon squad to terrorize the productive middle class the democrats wish to control absolutely.

  3. I’m watching until Brady Retires.

    Then I will re-evaluate.

    I hate The league, but there are a lot of men of character on the field.
    You just have to ignore the SJW Bullshit & research yourself.

    ie, Tillman from the Cards who walked away & joined the Miltary


    Laurent Duvernay-Tardif who left KC after winning the Super Bowl to become a Doctor

  4. Years back I was renovating a condo I was renting out. I cute little brown chick rolled through looking to rent it. She told me she didn’t have a job, but her BF was a player for the Redskins and that he’d be paying her rent. I envisioned him going off on her about anything and trashing my place beyond any security deposit, and promptly took it off the market.

  5. I haven’t watched an NFL game since it wouldn’t sell 1/2 of the St. Louis Rams to Rush Limbaugh. I think that was in 2008. The NFL is dead to me. I’ll never watch a game.

  6. I’m down to Battlebots and Bare Nuckle Fighting. Neither take a knee and the participants appear sincere about the opportunity to compete. Still likely rigged but I’m not that vested.


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