What I Saw at Evergreen State College – IOTW Report

What I Saw at Evergreen State College

American Thinker: The student antics at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington have recently garnered some national media attention – but not nearly enough.  Tucker Carlson interviewed progressive biology professor Bret Weinstein, who had the moral dexterity to show up to teach his own class as contracted by the college in spite of the fact that students had decided to impose on the campus an anti-white imperialism day.  The point of the student protest was that any white person who came to the college on that particular day was demonstrating that he is not in alliance with their anti-racist crusade.  Blaming Trump’s election, such a proposal was a reversal of a long standing practice at the college where students gave themselves a day of absence to protest racism.

Weinstein, who is Jewish, was alarmed.  In a lengthy interview, he pointed out that such demands have an echo of the fascism of yesteryear and characterized the situation on campus as a witch hunt.  Before showing up to his scheduled class, Weinstein wrote a careful and gracious letter explaining how ill advised such a proposal was to the students organizing the anti-white crusade.  Rather than listen to Weinstein’s wisdom, a mob of students confronted him when he arrived to teach his class.  Quickly spiraling out of control, students charged him with racism and demanded his resignation with many expletives.  Later, the protest erupted into campus anarchy as a student mob seized the library.  Yet the college president, George Bridges, told the police to stand down.  While Bridges has not yet fired Weinstein, as demanded by the students, he did congratulate their courage and proclaim himself appreciative of their activism.

Much more disturbing, it appears that Bridges is actually on the side of the students.   more here

24 Comments on What I Saw at Evergreen State College

  1. I find it highly entertaining and ironic that Evergreen’s mascots are called The Fighting Geoducks (pronounced gooey ducks). Geoducks are clams in the Puget sound area that look like ginormous limp penises. I’ve never ate one, they look positively gross to me. So maybe we could call Evergreen students the limp dicks. I can’t think of a better way to describe these infantile morons who attend Evergreen. And the State of Washington needs to totally defend Evergreen now and run it out of the higher education racket.

  2. I was at MIT in the 60’s don’t remember much about student activities I was there to get an
    Electrical Engineering degree and get a decent career going.

  3. Evergreen sounds like a training
    center for the new communist cadre.
    All employers need to check where
    their hires got their degrees to
    avoid these graduating nightmares.

  4. What if you are a white student three years into a four year degree, paying what, $35,000 tuition a year, and then this activity comes along and ruins the reputation for any graduates of this university forever?

  5. Here is a history lesson for all of the radical protestors at Evergreen. You are useful as a tool in overthrowing the existing order. You are useful as a tool in eliminating enemies of the new state. But once that is achieved, your usefulness as a tool not only ends, but you become a dangerous distraction and will be purged. Finally, and although you will not be around to see it, the system you helped create will collapse.

    Historical precedents are the Soviet Union under Lenin and later Stalin, Nazi Germany, China under Mao, Cambodia under Pol Pot, Cuba under Castro and now Venezuela. Enjoy your “activism” while you can because it’s not a long term career.

  6. How the hell does an institution like this get accredited? This is nothing more than day care for snotty high school grads who aren’t ready for the Real World.

  7. The left always loses control of the base they radicalize. They’ve created a youthful leftist fascist party that is cannibalizing their party. They’ve become so rabid it doesn’t matter who you are, say something they don’t agree with or think isn’t PC and they come for your job, they attack you verbally, threaten violence and death. Bill Maher just saw what they do when you break their rules. Liberal white women opening a burrito stand being accused of cultural appropriation and driven out of business and into oblivion. Trying to destroy the life of a far leftist feminist nut standing for women instead of transgenders. They aren’t limiting their wrath to conservatives. That wasn’t supposed to happen.

  8. +1,000 to Wyatt, above.
    Ohio State U just had the same issues. Unlike hapless Evergreen, the OSU Admin informed occupying protestors they must leave, or be first arrested and charged by Campus Police, followed by immediate Expulsion from OSU.
    The protestors left.


  9. remove any state funding for this college and remove any accreditation for classes. As an employer I will not hire a student from evergreen college with a degree that was given with self evaluation.

    Students with no respect for others not even those they are aligned with.

    why was day of absence ever even allowed, that was the beginning of your probrlms. I went to college to get an education – and why were police told to “stand down” – and why would you even think of fireing Wienstien – the language these students use is not fit for employment or life outside of your so called college- all classes shold be cancelled and college cosed down –

  10. Do any of these students and the college president know how much damage they’re doing to the school and themselves? Evergreen didn’t have a very good name to begin with and employers tended look at the Evergreen degree skeptically but now the moment they see the school on an application or resume most of them will just send the form rejection letter and shred the paper without much looking at it.

    You’d think that if the state won’t stop this nonsense then the much vaunted Department of Education would step in but everyone knows that won’t fly. Hell. if Trump doesn’t dump the Department then give it the teeth to cut funding to those schools whose degrees mean nothing in the outside world regardless of the party in power. Let them track graduating students from universities to see the jobs they got, whether they have a job at all and whether their degree made a difference. Run polls with employers as to what they think of 10 university degrees from different institutions (different ones for different regions of the country) and also ask which one (not just ones on the list) was the best and the worst.
    I know it sounds like a lot but the information is already out there in that a lot of employers already have an idea of the bad schools they won’t hire from.

  11. Ultimately these young radicals will decide it is racist to ask them to attend classes at all.
    They should simply be awarded the degree of their choice without attendance in class,
    testing, papers, labs or participation in any kind of grading system. Also the University
    must provide job placement in the field of their choice, and with the salary they feel they
    deserve….guaranteed, of course.

  12. @j in VT; That is actually distributed to the new students? If so, that whole college ought to be closed sold off because anything that comes out of that college is not just a loser but a radicalized and dangerous one.

  13. In reading the full AT article, I can’t tell if Mark Musser is proud of his experience at Evergreen, as I didn’t hear much in the way of denouncement.
    This violent overthrow is not the exception but the rule.
    Prof Weinstein was being interviewed by a local station yesterday and near the end he asked to go off record. He proceeded to say 95% of the faculty agree with him but are afraid to speak up.
    Therein lies the prob, the mental patients are running the asylum.

  14. I graduated from Evergreen in 1991, having attended for my junior and senior years. One day, while walking onto campus, I was accosted by a professor whom I did not know. He informed me that the shirt I was wearing would be highly offensive to many on campus and that I should consider going home and changing. I considered it for about half a second before telling him he could kiss my ass. The shirt? A concert tee from Tom Petty’s Southern Accents Tour.

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