What if Obama dropped Hillary’s email bombs? – IOTW Report

What if Obama dropped Hillary’s email bombs?

AmericanThinker: The phoniest and most irresponsible lie in current politics is Obama’s accusation that “the Russians did it!”  Dropped Hillary’s email bombs, that is.  This was originally just attributed to the CIA and FBI at secondhand, and later those agencies reluctantly agreed.  But we all know how badly Obama has corrupted those agencies, and their kowtowing to the Big Boss means nothing.  This is sad but true.

If you think about this as a mystery story, you can ask, “Who had the motive, the means, and the opportunity” to leak Hillary’s most embarrassing secrets, thereby blowing the election?  The list of suspects is huge, but Obama is never mentioned.  Still, think about it for a second.

Motive: Obama is a major narcissist who always wants to expand his personal power.  Being president has not satisfied his power-hungry ego; nothing ever will.  For months he has been talking about running for a third term, and he’s back at it today.

Washington speculation has long focused on Obama’s ambition to become SecGen of the U.N., an office he could try to expand into a genuine power center to achieve the utopian fantasy of the left, a world order in which everything is “properly” controlled from a dictatorial center.  This is consistent with the worst kind of Marxism, but it is also the dream of jihad: world conquest.

Obama has shown time and time again that he is a sort of Marxo-jihadophile.  Our good friend Recep Erdoğan, the autocrat of Turkey, has just accused the administration of supporting ISIS, showing that this kind of speculation is going on all around the world.  In fact, Erdoğan himself is reliably accused of selling Iraqi oil stolen by ISIS on the world market.

So Obama’s motive for (possibly) dropping Hillary’s email bombs?

His quest for power.

12 Comments on What if Obama dropped Hillary’s email bombs?

  1. BO likely does have UN ambitions.

    Impossible now. Trump and BO’s own weak incompetence will see to that.

    This will not be the glorious future BO may have envisioned for himself.

    It will be fun watching Trump shut him down.

  2. If the Demonrats weren’t such dishonest, evil, corrupt pieces of shit the release of the e-mails wouldn’t have hurt them. Turn on the lights, and the cockroaches scurry. Filthy lying thieves caught in the act. Now they’re crying “poor pitiful me.” Fuck em. I’d like to see the e-mails showing Obola and Clinton’s collusion in the deaths of Chris Stevens, et. al. come to light.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. That’s why he blames the Russians so vehemently, he did it! That’s been his plan all the way, try and create a crisis so only he can save us.

    Problem is, a greater majority of people now know this skinner is a flat out joke.

  4. Putin loses in a chaotic world that includes a dysfunctional US. The US is spread thin enough around the globe for him to function in the margins.

    A corrupt world run by vain incompetents, ie obama, hillary and kerry, is clearly a danger to all nations.

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