What Is Going On Here? – IOTW Report

What Is Going On Here?


24 Comments on What Is Going On Here?

  1. This must be the late second childhood phase, and they can’t use the big desk because Joey likes to hide under it.

    I wonder if the journos had to sit in little kindergarten chairs.

  2. general malaise
    Tuesday, 3 September 2024, 16:25 at 4:25 pm
    “A preview of the coming chaotic breakdown of the United States federal government.”


    This IS the start of the HAPPENING RIGHT NOW chaotic breakdown of the United States federal government.

    …more and worse to come…

  3. …the smaller desk is completely emblematic of how severely he has diminished the dignity and respect for the office of the President of the United States by his deeds and actions, and indeed by his contining presence.

  4. @Bessie Denker

    Did you notice how he came in on the right, then got up to exit to left, and the nice usher had to kindly redirect him? Then Joey circles back in front of the desk—which would have been a lectern, if he were a normal President—and grabs his sippy cup. Why the heck does he need to carry that away? Unless it was filled with pudding.

  5. Bobcat…#3,432 on the Watchlist.
    Tuesday, 3 September 2024, 17:07 at 5:07 pm
    “I was hoping They’d whisk Him away in a Barbie Dream Corvette!!!!!”


    Nojoke, Beau died getting Barbie a Corv…you know, the thing!

  6. Him sitting at the presidential typing table has been going on since the beginning of his administration. You rarely saw him at the Resolute Desk and the last time I did it was bare with no documents of family pictures around. It’s all for show.

  7. More proof communists have taken over control of our government. They’ve “placed” a traitorous fool with Alzheimers into the most powerful office in the world. He’s a useless prop.

    Seating Dementia Joe in a studio at a mini-desk and not at the Resolute desk in the Oval Office makes a mockery of The Presidency of The United States of America. This has been done on purpose as a way to show he has no power or authority and the country is no longer sovereign.

  8. And Horizontal Harris had no idea ice cream boy was this bad? She is “joyful” about O’Biden state of mind. Evil, pure Evil to want the United States of America to fail.

  9. “… emblematic of how severely he has diminished the dignity and respect for the office of the President of the United States …”

    Diminishing since Carter, accelerated by Clinton, Free-Fall with Obola, and crash-and-burn with this clown.

    The office no longer possesses any dignity, and I, personally, have no respect whatsoever for the puppet-in-place.

    More likely, the office was first besmirched by that lying hypocrite Lincoln (could have been Andy Jackson … we all have our prejudices).

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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