What Is Going On In Brooklyn??? – IOTW Report

What Is Going On In Brooklyn???

A wild riot broke out at a historic Brooklyn synagogue after a tunnel was discovered meant to expand the holy site, resulting in at least a dozen Orthodox Jews being arrested and hauled away in cuffs.

9 Comments on What Is Going On In Brooklyn???

  1. Chabad Lubavitch. Rabbi Schneerson. Vile racist fundamentalist Jews. Goyim (all non Jews) are beasts, to kill one is no sin, to rape one is no wrong, to steal goyim’s property is righteous as beasts have no rights of any kind and are made only to serve Jews. The Talmud speaks of all this. Like their kindred, the moslems, this element of Judaism sees itself as elementally the overlords of all things, the lord’s arbiter on earth.

    These are the guys the world hates, they aren’t vanilla Jews, but they represent a core element of Jewish belief, and consider themselves as the only righteous warriors of the creed and as such superior to and an example to all other Jews.

  2. Walter, nobody likes to talk about the Talmud—hell, most people don’t even know what it is—but it is those writings which are the underpinnings of modern Judaism, not the Torah.

  3. .Walter

    You have confused GWB’s folk, aka ROP, with folk whose women were wigs and men were beketche.

    I lived for a short time in B’klyn and knew many Hasidic. None were friends; but I never heard or saw what you describe. I think they dislike “reformed” Jews more than Goy!

    They clearly “stand out” in a crowd; and like GWB’s folk are not in a rush to assimilate. And are not liked by non Polish Jews frequently using the derogatory “Ost JUDEN” .

  4. Walter, what horrible comments. Chabad Jews are a great group of people. They are kind and give charity and relief around the world. They provide out- reach to Jews that have become disconnected from their roots.
    You really don’t know Chabad and you sure don’t know the Talmud. The Talmud came about when the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed, and Jews were scattered. It is a commentary on the Torah and brings Judaism into everyday life. Rabbis and their students have studied it for millennium. There are many lively discussions, opinions, disagreements about the laws and traditions of the Talmud. This is part of our heritage.

    A Jew is not allowed to kill a Jew or non-Jew except in self- defense.
    Hitler and the nazis hated and killed all kinds of Jews- secular and religious. Even people that had been unaware of their Jewish heritage were put in camps.

    Chabad are not righteous warriors trying to force the world to convert to Judaism. Non-Jews are not condemned. Afterall, G-d made all people. It is important to be a good person, to follow the rule of not being hateful to others. Judaism has such a long history. To so callously condemn so called “Talmud Jews” is just ignorant and hateful.

  5. Nine Barks, don’t be so harsh with Walter (real name Walter “Rauff” of the ᛋᛋ) they thought he died in 84. He continues his crusade to rid the earth of Jüdin.
    He sees an opening in the Democrat party and hopes to make a difference, never go against the party.

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