What is happening at Fox News? – IOTW Report

What is happening at Fox News?

John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First

23 Comments on What is happening at Fox News?

  1. I will never forgive frickin Fox News for calling out Arizona 10 minutes after the polls closed. I don’t give a rats behind if Levin, Tucker, Gutfeld want to remain, that channel will never grace my TV again.

  2. The Murdochs are following the advice from the Godfather movies, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Making it easier to stab them in the back at the most damaging time.

    Megyn Kelly was at FNC last election and she was sent out, by the grand pubahs of FNC, to torpedo Trump during the debate. She is now gone.

    FNC was looking for a new method to torpedo Trump during the election. Their chosen new method was to not call Trump the winner in eastern states where the polls close earlier, and to call Joe the winner too early in a western state, Az.

  3. Over on Newsmax – just finished watching Greg Kelly with Kimberly Gilfoile.
    Rumor has it that some senior white house staff are calling for our President to concede.
    Slow Joe and Kammi supposedly are going to claim victory.
    Don Junior has video of poll worker filling in ballots. Junior also saying it makes no sense for thousands of ballots with Joe and no down ballots.
    Crisco Kid Christie says time to end fighting this and just accept it.

  4. I haven’t owned a TV in years. Only until recently have been watching Tucker Carlson on my tablet. I can’t stand that Chris Wallace, he reminds me of a ventriloquist’s dummy. Watched the debate on my tablet. Other than that, I couldn’t tell you who the key commentators are on Fox.

  5. I’ll never understand why so many on our side are so dense, it’s been pretty obvious for 4 years, although I will argue it started even before then and now everyone is so shocked.

    Cut the cord, it’s saved me about $4000 now.

  6. If Biden and the democraps manage to steal the election from the American people I will never ever support any ungodly, unconstitutional edict they try to impose on the American people. If you think that I’m pissed off beyond belief now, you ain’t see nothing yet. I hate the democraps, they need to be destroyed and their leaders need to go to prison forever with no parole or be hung for treason. I even found myself today yelling for God to smite them down with fire and brimstone, that’s how pissed I am at them for their blatant out in the open theft of the Presidency from Trump.


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