What Is Happening In Michigan? – IOTW Report

What Is Happening In Michigan?

From Behizy:
Today Judge Kevin Elsenheimer listened to the defense for the state of Michigan argue that Bill Bailey’s constitutional rights getting violated didn’t matter because if he was to be granted a statewide independent audit by the courts it would mean everyone would do it. But something tells me people wouldn’t ask for these audits if the state never did wrong in the first place such as denying poll watchers access, taking Zuckerbucks to conduct the public’s work, etc. Matt Deperno won today, Every Lie Will Be Revealed!

6 Comments on What Is Happening In Michigan?

  1. At SOME POINT, we might be able to tell the lying Democrat Media Mafia that they need to stop using the phrase “without evidence” that accompanies EVERY article about the vote fraud that occurred in 2020,
    I mean it’s obvious there was fraud, but they still use that phrase.


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