What is Marie Harf smoking? – IOTW Report

What is Marie Harf smoking?

Patriot Retort: The most under-reported story of 2017 is unquestionably President Trump’s victory over ISIS.

We just learned that 98% of ISIS fighters have been obliterated thanks to our Commander-in-Chief letting his military do what they do best.

And then along comes Marie Harf — former Obama State Department parrot.

Marie Harf: “The strategy that has led to a virtual defeat of ISIS in the caliphate…is largely a strategy that was laid out during the #Obama administration by military commanders.” #TheFive http://fxn.ws/2C7LC1j

Is Marie Harf high?

You’d have to be mentally impaired to imply that this victory over ISIS can somehow be laid at Obama’s feet.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m sure Marie is right about one thing. I have no doubt military commanders begged Obama to remove his ridiculous rules of engagement so they could do their job.

But he wouldn’t, would he?

No, the Commander-in-Chief who untied their hands was Donald J. Trump.

But of course Marie Harf isn’t going to admit that.

Everyone in the Obama Administration suffers from the same problem Barack Obama did. They take credit for things they didn’t do while denying involvement in things they did do.

But that’s not even the worst of it.  more here

44 Comments on What is Marie Harf smoking?

  1. oh … & the meme for the demonRats in 2018 is every Trump success was somehow created by Obama
    notice how Barky is all of a sudden running around the circuit trying to take credit for everything now? …. it’s gonna get worse … much, much worse

    remind them constantly … wouldn’t have happened without Trump … Eat it!

  2. Harf, like her former idiot boss Psaki always reminded me of a lunch time dancer at a cut rate tittie bar. Not attractive enough to do a real show, always stinking of desperation, and not smart or skilled enough to do a respectable job anywhere else. Just order the special, don’t make eye contact, and do your best to ignore her. Eventually she’ll go away.

  3. Is harf one of the journos covering the State Dept? Because I just watched Brett McGurk’s press briefing on D-ISIS at the State Dept. this week. There are two journos I’m familiar with. Both are unmitigated buttheads whose questions are ALWAYS trying to twist the info to make Trump/Tillerson and the State Dept. look bad.

    Here’s the briefing: It was really good. McGurk is great to watch.


  4. They are so heavily medicated on Her side of the aisle, that ” Their Fantasies ” are way better for them spiritually than reality. Also their study groups have indicated that people are easily fooled !

  5. New rules huh? When the disastrous, treasonous, gay Kenyan commie took office the MSM blamed all man-boy’s problems on Bush. Ocommie was not responsible for anything. Now that President Trump, a responsible adult, is cleaning up Ocommie’s messes, and getting great results, the MSM is giving Barry the Fairy credit for all the good news. Hmmmm…

  6. CAROLEIGH — I have an appt this afternoon (Friday). The doctor also scheduled me for surgery Jan 11th. I’m glad he went ahead and did that — even before seeing me first. Apparently he’s got enough info already to make that call.

    I definitely am feeling the benefits of your and everyone’s prayers. I feel calm and really quite peaceful; just going to let things unfold and make decisions as info presents itself. I had a really wonderful conversation with a dear friend of mine, a minister (used to be our minister in Seattle) last night. We talked about God and the great commission and death and suffering and he gave me the titles of some really good books to read. I think that what has most been on my mind is how I stand with God and wanting to make sure I am in the Book of Life. I was raised Methodist and I understand that we can’t work our way into Heaven, but it’s a very hard idea to reconcile, isn’t it. Now, I’m not focused on dying, but times like these make you want to review your “Heaven Insurance.” 🙂

    Thank you so much for asking. God bless you.

  7. Pete Parks – she has herpes pimples the size of pustules on her ass.

    Q: why do dumb blondes have bruises around their belly buttons?
    A: cuz blonde guys are dumb too!

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