What is going on with Biden’s chin?
[And why is Blinken peeking from the closet on AF1?]
What is going on with Biden’s chin?
[And why is Blinken peeking from the closet on AF1?]
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Ask ChYnA
It is a stand in. Real Biden is too sick for these jaunts
@Lasvegasbrad — Did they find a stand-in who can act that stupid or did they have to lobotomize and drug him?
Democrats drug themselves.
Blinky is standing close behind Joey so that when Joey shits his pants in front of the hagiographers and propagandists with cameras recording, Blinky will smell it first and shut things down ASAP.
Blinkin’ was noddin’ in the closet, but he has to wear a wig and let Joe call him “girl”.
That muther aint real
Heard he has had many plastic surgery procedures. Probably has chin implants so he can look like a tough guy. They are wobbling like him.
He recently ‘took it on the chin?’ Or in the ass?
He’s using an untested shot to grow a set.
I believe that is a indentation from Obama’s nutsack.
Yeah, it does looks a lot like a nut-rest.
It looks like he has a couple of balls growing out of his face. Next thing is that his nose will turn into a pecker like Bill Maher. Run away, joey’s about to screw us even more. It’s the evil Dr. Scrotum.
He’s a Ballchinian.
THAT is called a Pedophile.
..oh, you mean the chin thing.
Call it whatever, it needs to be dead flesh headed for the incinerator because it’s attached to a pedophile.
Uncle Al might be right. But it looked to me that Blinky was trying to catch Kirby’s eye in case Joe went off the rails and they needed to drag his sorry ass out of there! Just my take. ;^)
binky & kirby (who was standing on the other side of biteme) were at the ready to usher biteme out of the area and/or explain what biteme was supposed to say
like i said yesterday in the Incoherent Biden Strikes Again thread
nunyo bidness Thursday, 19 October 2023, 0:20 at 12:20 am
wtf is going on with biteme’s chin(s)?
mask malfunction?
Is a ballchinian related to a nutsackian. And are they both related to peckerheads.
biteme’s learned how to teabag himself
My favorite line from John Prine’s last album The Tree of Forgiveness and the song When I Get To Heaven, “Buddy, when you’re dead, you’re a dead pecker head.”
Luciferian eruption. Precedes the horns.
That’s not his chin. Those are his cheeks, sagging a bit.
Also, have you noticed lately that when he isn’t wearing those idiotic aviator shades, Joey is squinting so badly that you can’t see his eyes?
Or, the collagen injected into his cheekbones has migrated. It’s a thing.
Don’t the horns usually grow out the top?
But we’ll never know what those things were. Just like that hole in Hillary’s tongue. WTF was that?
@General Malaise or as Eric Cartman called it Chinballitis,
For context on the “Ballchinian” reference see Men in Black II.
What ever it is, it don’t look right, like everything else about the Pedophile in Chief.
If there was a Winken along with Blinken in the bidumb administration that would joey make Nod because of all his lids.
The alien accidently slipped inside of slowjoe’s skin.
Stranger looking on video
Because this isn’t Biden, the mask he’s wearing is slipping, which is pooling on either side of his chin.
I wonder if the real Biden is dead already.
Scrotie McBoogerBalls
Looks like a dick dent.
Did a Mr. and Mrs. Dent ever name their son Dick.
He’s collapsing in on himself like a rotten apple!
His head is down, so I think it’s his wattle backing up into his chin.
When the brain shrinks the chin is the first thing to get sucked in!
Thanks for the the video link, Anonymous. Now, I think it’s possibly jaw bone cancer.
What do you call nuts on you wall?
What do you call nuts on your peas?
What do you call nuts on your chin?
A dick in your mouth.
How many body doubles?
Couldn’t the makeup artist do a better job with hiding the mask?
More than one video out there showing what looks like edging of a mask on the neck that would be hidden by a collared shirt. No more collarless shirts / sweatshirts?
How long before family members slip with what might be going on?
So many questions that the MSM won’t be asking…
They grow with each lie, like Pinocchio.
Another Cheap Chinese “Joebot”is malfunctioning…
Is Ole Demwit Joe being “Weekend at Bernie’s” with AI? It doesn’t seem to be more articulate, wake and focused – could be on purpose. Maybe the two chins is a digital glitch.
His actual aging, indented chin shouldn’t look that smooth and even. More evident AI could be involved in editing the Demwit Joe’s image.
He has had so much plastic surgery and skin tightening his balls have been pulled up tp his chin. Which explains why he has a funny looking tongue.
^ And a Tricky Dick!