What Is Truth? – IOTW Report

What Is Truth?

AmericanThinker: Truth has always been accompanied by a doubled-mindedness. It is something that people claim to want, but few can bear. Socrates searched for it. Jesus bore witness to it, and Pilate answered, albeit rhetorically, “What is truth?” Truth is seeing things as they really are and ascribing to them their appropriate valuations. It is an identity that rises above mere opinion and affirmatively corresponds to a reality that transcends itself. Jack Nicholson says that we can’t handle it, while the Son of Man holds that it sets us free. Truth is a lot like virtue — in that most everyone claims to desire it, but the general consensus deep down is that they would rather have pie.


Yes, people do not always welcome it, when, like a Jehovah’s Witness, it comes knocking at their doors. For much of humanity, self-deception holds a more soothing comfort: for illusions are fuzzy and forgiving like jogging pants. Some people never look in the mirror because of truth and tests are constructed in order to determine if we know what people say it is. And if you are standing before a judge or fighting a war, it would seem a very good thing to have truth on your side — or an M-16.

The ancients equated it with wisdom. The Enlightenment valued it as a tool of emancipation from a world it was trying to bury. The postmoderns, beginning with Nietzsche, however, denied its ultimate existence and brashly claimed that the whole historical veneration of truth was merely a cynical means to secure power. Their legacy to us, one that is even now being chipped away, is that truth is perspectival — one man’s truth is another man’s false narrative.

And so, it is against this backdrop that the current outrage du jour is so illuminating. Indeed, the American political elite’s “firestorm in a thimble” is the abomination of “Fake News” and how it has set the teeth of the unwashed against the benevolence of their Masters.  MORE

9 Comments on What Is Truth?

  1. Truth, Justice and the American way was derailed.
    My desire is to see the train back on the tracks starting January 20…….it will be a difficult job, but we have an engineer at the helm that millions have pinned their faith and hope upon.
    The question is, will the GOP leadership and GOP members of Congress choose to be obstructionists or lend assistance in the recovery of Truth, Justice and the American Way?

  2. I have a funny feeling only God knows the real “truth” and we won’t find out until the end what it is.

    when it comes to men, they all seem to have their own “truth”.

    as witnessed in the divide between conservatives and liberals reality, to use those labels.

  3. Orwell wasn’t too many years off in his prophecy. Thank God that evil bitch didn’t get a few hundred thousand more illegal/illegitimate votes in key states (to add to the the several millions she did get) or we’d be all that much closer to the realization of the “Ministry of Truth” that Orwell predicted.

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