What Is Wrong With Atlanta? – IOTW Report

What Is Wrong With Atlanta?

Every color, every political party.


Judges who use bad judgment will be judged by the right judgment.

According to Fulton County Jail records, a Douglas County judge was arrested early Thursday morning at an Atlanta nightclub.

Christina Peterson, a Douglas County judge, has been charged with simple battery against a police officer at the Red Martini Restaurant and Lounge on Peachtree Street. more

17 Comments on What Is Wrong With Atlanta?

  1. Here’s a glimpse at public officials outside of her capacity dealing with police when she has committed a simple traffic infraction. This lady plays ALLLLLL of the cards and is such crazy she talks herself into a higher fine. What’s more disgusting than the lady, however, is the cop who initially cuts her a break because she’s a public official – shameful! Public servants are above the law, especially cops who don’t get in trouble for battery, assault with deadly weapon… oh, and if it’s so safe for a cop to use his phone, computer, radio, all kinds of doo-dabs, while not wearing a seatbelt and speeding just by taking a 40-hour course why isn’t that same course available to the public? Think of all the lives that would be saved, everyone could at a minimum safely operate a mobile device while driving. Laws for us, not for them. Anyway, back on point, here’s the psycho public servant woman and shameful public servant cop —


  2. Show me any place on earth where the progressive/Marxist/Satanist movement hold the reins of power and I’ll show you Rex Lex.

    Rutherford preached that even the Kings and other rulers are subject to God and His Law. In other words, it’s not “Rex Lex” . . . meaning the King is Law; but it’s “Lex Rex” . . . meaning the Law of God is King.

  3. As a resident of the greater metro Atlanta area, I can tell you that it seems as though the good ‘ole boy white corrupt apparatus has been replaced by an ultra-corrupt black tribal apparatus. Virtually every government job is held by useless, do-nothing (or worse) blacks. As with everywhere, government
    power is the root of ALL of the problems, and power has been growing horribly. Multiple generations now raised to believe that they are entitled, simply because of what someone else did 170 years ago to somebody else, has emboldened them to believe that everything is now legal and acceptable.

  4. …simply because of what someone else did 170 years ago to somebody else,

    Interestingly enough, they always conveniently leave out the fact that old, White Republican men freed the slaves while democrats want to keep them enslaved!

    but hey, don’t let facts get in the way…

  5. This and Bragg not charging individuals who were involved in kidnapping is all of the evidence anyone needs to know that all of this shit is done at the behest of the progressive/Marxist/Satanist element. If Trump doesn’t clean out the alphabet agencies, particularly the DOJ, and replace them with constitutionalists who are serious and charge the Deep Staters with everything and anything they are transparently guilty of would send the message that he’s learned nothing and/or is just shining us on. First off, cut of any and all access to federal grant funding to any local, State or regional government that is selectively enforcing any State, federal or local law.

    It really comes down to that.

  6. Ricky G beat me to it. My FIRST thought! The author definitely has never been there. Used to be a very nice, charming Southern city, but that was over half a century ago.

  7. Crying drunks are just as dangerous as any other kind of drunk. They all eventually get belligerent, including happy and especially angry drunks. The cop should have approached Judge Demwit, Feminist of Color with caution.

  8. This has absolutely nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with progressive liberal. They arrested a WHITE D.A. a couple days ago for basically doing the exact same thing. I think it was in New York. In fact that’s like the third DA they’ve arrested there. One of them just casually drove home ignoring law enforcement until a couple cruizers showed up on her driveway.

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