What Is Your Favorite Cookie? – IOTW Report

What Is Your Favorite Cookie?

CTH- Menagerie:

From an article at Yummly. I’m going with Kentucky on this one. Runners up are Louisiana, Florida, Minnesota, and New Jersey, the state that came closest to knocking Kentucky out of my favorite position.

I am verklempt at Tennessee not having a Jack Daniel’s cookie. I’ll console myself with Gentleman Jack and a slice of Jack Daniel’s cake.

And really, Nebraska and Alaska, sad. You guys need some help.

SNIP: They all seem OK. Except for one. Georgia’s Red Velvet Cookie.
I’ve tried Red Velvet in every form of dessert and they all taste like dirt covered beets to me. lol

56 Comments on What Is Your Favorite Cookie?

  1. My favorite cookie is Mrs. Uncle’s best-in-the-world homemade shortbread dripped in Drambuie. In the absence of that shortbread, an otherwise ordinary sugar cookie works especially well.

    I don’t care to drink Drambuie, but it is a wonderful dessert enhancer. Try a shot poured over vanilla ice cream and you’ll see what I mean!

    Side note: Some time within the past month or so somebody here said that Walmart’s knockoff of Oreo cookies were just as good as Oreos. Wrong. They’re BETTER than Oreos. Thank you!

  2. My favorite cookie is a soft peanut butter cookie, followed by a soft peanut butter cookie with chocolate chips added, then it’s soft chocolate chip cookies, all homemade of course.
    I could live on peanut butter cookies though, it’s why I don’t make them very often.

  3. About 30 years ago a friend and I went bird hunting and he brought his new wife’s grandmothers 1870’s Iowa recipe oatmeal and raisin cookies….FANTASTIC!…apaenrtly there is like 4 pounds of butter for a dozen cookies. We complimented her and ranted and raved about how good they were….never saw or tasted one ever again…..compare that to my Dad saying he didn’t like my Mom’s meatloaf and we got served that shit once a week for eternity….I JUST DO NOT KNOW!!!….

  4. lebkuchen with or without chocolate
    mole asses
    any cookie with lemon

    About those cookies from NC – bull! Never saw those in NC at all and cannot imagine a Southerner eating that mess

  5. I had a manager who worked for me in Kentucky, but was from Ohio. Her bourbon balls had what seemed like a shot of bourbon in each one. People lurked around the office when they thought she was bringing them in. Growing up in Michigan, iced sugar cookies are still my favorite Christmas cookie.

  6. And like when I was on Worm Island at the San Diego Navy Basic training facility (boot camp) in 1972 when we were standing in line waiting for chow as close as you could possibly get to the guy in front of me with the Drill Instructors yelling at us “Nut to butt, nut to butt, make the guy in front of you smile.” I don’t think that they can get away with that now.

  7. @Willy

    How come your friend brought a cookie recipe along when you and he went hunting?

    Uh….I read it again…now I get it…You and he went hunting for cookies…OK it makes sense now…he wanted to match his wife’s grandmother’s cookie recipe with store made cookies. That’s what you guys were hunting for.

    I smacked myself up the side of the head when I understood what you meant.

  8. Didn’t read the piece. I’ll have homemade peanut butter or oatmeal cookies, please. Simple taste… in cookies anyway. As to women, my wife is extraordinarily complex, although also apparently homemade.

  9. Trader Joes Pfeffernusse for store bought. But those almond or pecan snowballs or crescent shaped covered with powder sugar for homemade. All time fav homemade is choco walnut. WishI could still bake.

  10. Mom used to bake hundredss of coookies before Christmas. My all time bestest Festus cookie then was cream cheese almond flavor Christmas wreaths – a pressed cookie with 4 tiny slices of marchino cherry for a bow decoration.

  11. Neighbor two doors down will show up with a big assortment box that will be uniformly delicious in a day or two. My aunt baked cookies three times a week into her 90s and absolutely outstanding. Oatmeal, homemade chocolate chip, and peanut butter are the home made that come to mind and if store bought Nutter Butter or Oreo unless Gross Out has Pepperidge Farm. 98% of my groceries come from Costco and Gross Out. Trader Joe’s has a few items I like though and go there about twice a year.

    Gross Out is Grocery Outlet, they kick ass. My first time in one I was in Ellensburg for Rodeo and fair week and ran into a friend at the gas station. I told him I’m going to Safeway, let’s talk while I pick up some groceries. He took me to Gross Out instead and now we are lucky enough to have one a mile from home.

  12. When God is pleased with me, I get a warm peanut butter cookie. Someone once offered me an oatmeal raisin cookie but I politely declined because I didn’t do anything wrong recently.


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