What Judge McAfee is Thinking After Fani’s Disqualification Hearing – IOTW Report

What Judge McAfee is Thinking After Fani’s Disqualification Hearing

What Judge McAfee will be considering in crafting his post-Fani order. Robert Gouveia with the deets.

8 Comments on What Judge McAfee is Thinking After Fani’s Disqualification Hearing

  1. She’s a ghetto piece of shit, doing what she’s doing on orders from Biden/demcorat party. In return, she’s allowed to steal money from the state. Her problem (like all pigs at the trough) she overfed herself on our dollars.

  2. He’s thinking ‘How do I keep this bullshit case against Trump going if I throw this horny orangutan under the bus?’.

    Party first, last, and always.

  3. There’s already a conflict of interests, McAfee has worked with and for Willis.He contributed to her campaign. How can he now objectively sit in judgment over her?

  4. George Soros is going to have to do a better job of vetting his candidates before installing them in office. Maybe an IQ test to prevent sub-80s from gaining power.


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