What kind of judge would let accused terrorists out on bail? A Canadian judge. – IOTW Report

What kind of judge would let accused terrorists out on bail? A Canadian judge.

The Rebel: 

Did you see David Menzies video yesterday? He just went to the home of an accused father-and-son terrorist duo.

Here’s more, by Joe Warmington in the Toronto Sun:

Bail granted in alleged explosives possession case

“RICHMOND HILL — Home in time for the Victoria Day weekend.

Reza Mohammadiasl, 47, and son Mahyar, 18, were released at noon Friday on $50,000 bail and ordered to return to court on June 6.

Neighbours were furious.

“Why did they get bail?” said one. “That’s crazy.”

Another asked “how they can be charged with explosives but allowed to come back here?”

So this is such a serious allegation, such a serious plot, that U.S. authorities brought it to Canada’s attention.

And our legal system — our prosecutors, our judges — said, yeah, thanks you guys. But we’re fine. It’s no biggie. We’ll let these folks out on bail. And we wouldn’t want anyone to call us Islamophobes or something.


16 Comments on What kind of judge would let accused terrorists out on bail? A Canadian judge.

  1. Aiding and abetting terrorism in his own country. Giving someone like them a second chance is like giving them an extra bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time.

  2. The Canadians aren’t that different from us. You get your big city liberal whackjobs but when you get to the small towns and rural areas they are quite conservative. Their politicos are nut jobs and they have put forth laws that have flipped the judiciary to the dark side. The majority of the Canadians I know, and they are my neighbors separated only by a waterway with a International bridge crossing, share the same values as me but they just spell some words wrong. I enjoy them as neighbors. I just avoid their larger cities.

  3. What kind of judge would let accused terrorists out on bail?
    How ’bout one appointed by the Obamboozler?
    Hell he wouldn’t even care about the fcuking bail just so long as we could get a flaming faggot for him!

  4. Yes, we have idiot Judges up here as well although this one is a real stand-out. This will just serve to help the Conservatives take back the Government come November and with luck won’t get anybody killed or injured.

    By the by, if we did an inventory of both countries Judges I suspect that we’d be very close in the idiot Judge per capita category. At least we don’t situations where some single Judge from a podunk county can grant injuctions on Government or Presidential decrees that affect the entire country even when it’s painfully obvious he/she doesn’t have the authority. We don’t have “Sanctuary” cities or even entire States (or Provinces up here in the snow) where federal law on immigration control can safely be ignored or have Mayors that actually warn criminals that the feds are going to do a sweep looking for them or Judges that allow them to leave the courthouse out the side door before the Feds can arrive.

    But yes, like your shop we have more than our share of idiot Judges and like you, have no easy way to rid ourselves of them.

  5. Listen, obama pardoned a traitor (transvestite Bradley Manning), a terrorist convicted of murdering Americans, (Lopez Rivera,), and a zillion violent drug dealers (heroin) and he turned loose five terrorists from Gitmo (who have gone on to kill more people) in exchange for a combat deserter (bowe bergdahl), and he paid of terrorists running Iran to the tune of billions in pallets of cash. That’s just the beginning.

    Canadian judges are pikers compared to that traitorous weasel obama, and that beast he tows around dressed as a female.


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