What kind of mother leaks her daughter’s sex tape? – IOTW Report

What kind of mother leaks her daughter’s sex tape?

FOX: A soon-to-be-published book asserts that Kim Kardashian and her mother, Kris Jenner, conspired with Vivid Entertainment to release the “stolen” sex tape that helped make Kim famous.

kim kardashian

If true (and Kardashian denies it), that would help explain the family whose faked-for-TV lives are infecting a generation or two with pathological narcissism and depravity.

As Fox News and the New York Post reported Monday, Ian Halperin, author of “Kardashian Dynasty: The Controversial Rise of America’s Royal Family” “quotes a source in the ‘adult film industry’ who said, ‘A mutual friend of Kim and Paris [Hilton] had advised her that if she wanted to achieve fame, a sex tape would be the way to go . . . Kim had discussed the idea of producing a tape with her family beforehand.’  MORE

18 Comments on What kind of mother leaks her daughter’s sex tape?

  1. The idea is to destroy the moral values of America.
    It’s not just them it’s Hollywood too.
    Watch TCM and you will see how they did it over many decades.

  2. I work in the poorest Congressional district in the United States of America. Nearly all my clients are broke-assed, undereducated minorities, for many of whom English is not a first language.

    I find it interesting that the Kardashian family, for all its members’ privilege, wealth, and fame, exhibits all the sociodysfunctions that I see in my clientele: out-of-wedlock births (Kourtney, Kim, Robert Jr.), multiple divorces (Bruce, Kris, Kim), confused paternity (Khloe and Mason Disick, Kourtney’s oldest child), and child neglect (Kylie). And let’s not forget that last year, on Twitter, I called out Kim as the winner of “The Stanley Ann Dunham Medal for Excellence in Miscegnation.”

    These people disgust me. And yet they enjoy a very wide platform to spew their opportunistic, materialistic, exploitative philosophies, via both traditional and social media.

    We’re food (as Moe Tom would say).

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