What makes the deadly pufferfish so delectable? – IOTW Report

What makes the deadly pufferfish so delectable?

Find out right here!

21 Comments on What makes the deadly pufferfish so delectable?

  1. I like the heck out of sushi and have tried must everything. I haven’t liked everything but I tried them. One time in Honolulu I was at a small Sushi bar with a local guy that the owner knew well. He told us they had puffer fish and asked if we were interested. We both tried it, it was kind of exciting. Was it really Puffer fish? Who knows, but it was good, and we all survived. We weren’t going to try it without the owner trying it, he did. When you drink enough Saki and beer you can be talked into things you might not otherwise do.

  2. “I’m gonna get me a beer and a ribeye….funeral potatoes and a festive garden salad with feta cheese”. I’ll cheat death tomorrow by eating a stupid fish that nobody every ate before until they were forced to by hunger and a ‘Hold My Saki’ peer pressure thingy….

  3. Not to be confused with the relatively benign hufferfish, which carries no poison. However, when the hufferfish is combined with the pufferfish, the resulting chemical reaction can literally blow your house down.

  4. Got to be a gulf redfish,sea trout or flounder
    and I catch it.Then straight to the Bayou Bistro
    where they deep fry it for $5 with home made tarter.
    Not good for me but dam! it taste good.

  5. ‘involved strong umami (savory) and kokumi (mouthfulness) components.’
    Wow, just guessing the same reviews after being served at a Micky’D’s or Checkers spot.
    Loogies, nah, no thanks,
    Cute, kinda,
    ’till found to be savory and mouthfulness
    Had a friend with lymphoma, she loved sushi. Was on Holistic Doctors 30+ pills a day, when we spoke about it I called him Megelli.
    He laughed about my description about him.
    She’s dead, and he’s still laughs.
    Yea, cute! Just don’t eat it,,

  6. A while back, there was a show called ‘The Monster Inside Me’.

    After seeing all that can happen from eating raw uncooked fish, just reaffirmed my vow to never eat sushi (bait).

    Plenty of other food to eat.

  7. I had a very good pork chop for dinner last night and I’m still here this morning. Thought about going to Carl’s Junior (it’s far close to where I live and a great temptation at times since it’s cheap) or having Mexican from a great Mexican restaurant in my neighborhood but the pork chop won out and I saved a little money as well as too many calories. And besides I’m a better cook than most of the take out places which I probably eat at far too often especially when I’m tired and don’t want to cook or make anything for myself for dinner.

  8. One of my doctors has a beautiful aquarian and the Puffer fish is in it. If you go up to the aquarium, the Pufferfish, immediately comes over as if he is trying to kiss you. He is incredible friendly. There was a Colombo episode where parts of the pufferfish was used to kill someone. Everytime I go to that office, I cannot help but to see the pufferfsh. Too bad his friendliness could be toxic.


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