What Michelle Obama Called A Prison, Melania Trump Calls An Honor – IOTW Report

What Michelle Obama Called A Prison, Melania Trump Calls An Honor

The Lid:

Melania Trump, in an interview with CNN during her and President Trump’s recent trip to Asia, said it’s an “honor” to serve as the first lady.


“It’s my honor to be a first lady of the United States,” she declared, adding:

It was a very busy year and we love to live in Washington. We have a very busy life. It’s exciting as well. And I’m looking forward to work on behalf of the children.


Then, of course, there was the time Michelle compared living in the White House – the People’s House – to being confined in a prison.

“There are prison-like elements, but it’s a really nice prison,” she said during a White House event in 2013.

“You can’t complain,” she added, before and after she made complaints. “There are confining elements.”

A 2008 book also made the claim that she compared life in the White House to prison, adding that ‘she couldn’t wait to leave.’    MORE

17 Comments on What Michelle Obama Called A Prison, Melania Trump Calls An Honor

  1. Melania was born and raised in a Communist country and is thankful for American freedom. Michelle was born and raised in American freedom and longs for Communism. Their One Thing In Common?? Names begin with “M”.

  2. There’s really no comparison, Melania is grateful as well as graceful, mooch on the other hand is not grateful for anything and it shows in her condescending snarky attitude about life in general. Thank God that she and barry are gone for good and hellary is not president.

  3. I would like to get some tips from the pro’s who were tasked with fumigating and cleansing when the Obama troop were ousted. That had to be a monumental undertaking and whoever did it could pass some of that knowledge along.
    I’m trying to imagine the disgusting mess they faced, odors, strange stains, hairballs and the like. Hazmat suits required.

  4. Class can’t be bought with a sex change, taught, or assumed.

    Mooch never fit the office and h (pick one “is” or “er”) h (pick one “usband” or “gay lover”) never fully fit his office either.

    The Trumps are, and will remain fully qualified and fully engaged as America’s President and First Lady — Thank God.

  5. Michelle never missed an opportunity to remind us she was living in a house built by slaves. One problem, footage exists showing white men working along side black men.
    Melania’s husband builds luxury condos/hotels/office bldgs equal to the grandeur of the WH. Michelle & her husband grift off others generosity, yet she still finds something to complain about.
    Melania is grateful, Michelle is entitled.

  6. This line doesn’t make sense:
    “A 2008 book also made the claim that she compared life in the White House to prison”
    Obama was elected in 2008 and took office in 2009.
    Or was she bitching before even moving in?

  7. Lighten up.
    The ‘confining elements’ Mooch referred to were the concealing undergarments he had to wear to go outside. Inside the WH, picture a moose on the loose.

  8. As Mr. Anth Ropy pointed out, either there is a typo or the mention of the book, which is not named, cited or linked is false.

    How can a book published in 2008, q year before Obama moved into the White House claim that Michelle Obama said she compared it to a prison?

  9. And then there was this:
    “(Richard) Branson gives his recount of the former first couple’s visit to Moskito and Nekkar Islands, Branson’s private resorts, right after Obama wrapped his eight years in the White House. He said that Mrs. Obama exclaimed, “We’re Free!” during their greeting.”

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