What!? MSNBC Host says Joe Biden Should Create a Shadow Government – IOTW Report

What!? MSNBC Host says Joe Biden Should Create a Shadow Government

Townhall: Well, it wouldn’t be MSNBC without one of its hosts peddling a completely insane resistance plan against the Trump White House. Right now, the Trump administration is at the forefront in combating this Wuhan coronavirus outbreak that has infected over 650,000 Americans. The death toll is now over 30,000. Trump shut down travel from China and created the task force to combat the outbreak. That saved lives. Yet, the liberal media, always against this administration, has criticized the timeline of the response. They seem to forget that for a few critical weeks, the world was operating under misinformation from the Chinese government, which lied to the world about human-to-human transmission in January and used the World Health Organization to spread the word. It had disastrous results. By mid-January, China knew this virus would likely become a pandemic and did nothing for six days.  

But give China a pass, says the Democrat-media complex, or better yet—create a shadow government to counter the Trump White House. That’s what MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle wants to happen with Joe Biden, the now presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee. A pandemic-centered deep state, what could go wrong?  Ruhle pitched this to former Obama campaign manager Jim Messina on Wednesday. MORE

24 Comments on What!? MSNBC Host says Joe Biden Should Create a Shadow Government

  1. Tarvos Trigaranus
    Bull Penned March 21, 2020

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  2. Creating one is not needed, there is already one in place.

    It’s where the visible government, the politicians we elect, is getting its orders and carrying them out; all done in the name of the people, who actually believe it is doing their bidding instead of the bidding of an unseen power.

    This is the age of deceit, very few look for it so very few find or recognize it.

  3. I 100% agree. Not only should Biden create a shadow government and come up with their own recommendations on how to proceed (the contrast with our real executive branch would be fantastically revealing to even the most dim-witted and ensure Trump’s reelection), Trump should also transfer Fauci and Birx to Biden’s “shadow government” where they could do no further damage to America and the whole world.

  4. …do you mean BESIDES the shadow goverment of “Obama”, and BESIDES the shadow goverment of Hillary Clinton, and BESIDES the shadow goverment of George Soros?

    …gettin’ mighty crowded in them shadows, they’re pretty apt to bump into each other in the dark…

    ‘It is difficult with these evil folk to know when they are in league, and when they are cheating one another.’
    -JRR Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

  5. I think Hillary already beat Plugs to this “shadow government” thing; word is she has a replica Oval Office in her home, but I think it’s off-limits to Bill.

  6. The Shadow knows that Dementia Joe Obiden Bama doesn’t know what’s going on beyond those flash cards Doctor Jill prepares. The Shadow also knows there is no cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome, and that it has infected more people than the ChiComvirus. They’re the new Dreamers. Dementiacrats dreaming that Poor Joey can muster enough thoughts to get through a seven minute interview without going on a trip down the memory hole.

  7. Actually, they mixed it up.
    Correction: While President Trump leads the nation, Jo= Bid=n conducts his daily clown show.
    Note: For some reason, it appears that he has changed his name to BID=N, so, I wanted not to offend the esteemed leader of the democrat* party.
    *I go with the designation “democrat” party like our President does. However, it appears that Bid=n is putting the “ic” back in the party name.
    Bid=n: Knock knock
    Us: Who’s there?
    Bid=n: Ah, come on, man. You know the drill.

  8. Old news. We’ve had a shadow government since the Kenyan bastard weaponized the IRS, EPA, NEA, CIA etc, etc, in order to enslave us and bring down the Republic.

  9. Desperate MSNBC, ferreting out the low life, ‘Don’t first me’ experts. Such credibility is laughable.

    Joe, hunkered in his basement bunker, looks like he probably has pajamas on under the jacket.

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