What NASA and the European Space Agency are admitting but the media are failing to report about our current heat wave – IOTW Report

What NASA and the European Space Agency are admitting but the media are failing to report about our current heat wave


The current heat wave is being relentlessly blamed on increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but there is a much more plausible explanation, one that is virtually endorsed by two of the world’s leading scientific organizations. It turns out that levels of water vapor in the atmosphere have dramatically increased over the last year-and-a-half, and water vapor is well recognized as a greenhouse gas, whose heightened presence leads to higher temperatures, a mechanism that dwarfs any effect CO2 may have.

So, why has atmospheric water vapor increased so dramatically? Because of a historic, gigantic volcanic eruption last year that I – probably along with you — had never heard of. The mass media ignored it because it took place 490 feet underwater in the South Pacific. Don’t take it from me, take it from NASA (and please do follow the link to see time lapse satellite imagery of the underwater eruption and subsequent plume of gasses and water injected into the atmosphere): more

18 Comments on What NASA and the European Space Agency are admitting but the media are failing to report about our current heat wave

  1. They will just say with a straight face the volcano eruptd due to, you guessed it, climate change. In their tiny minds, they are never wrong and never give up on this BS

  2. Climate expert onTALK TV; “We are about 1 deg C above the COLDEST it’s been in the last 10 THOUSAND years ” And about 1 Deg colder than the hottest it has been in the last 10 THOUSAND years. (Not sure if 2nd quote is exact) It’s just another money and power grab.

  3. Actually there is no heat wave at the moment except the oceans are warmer than normal and the atmosphere is more humid than normal. North America is as green as it gets this time of year. In fact it hasn’t been this green in a very long time. I recently drove across the country and couldn’t believe what I saw, Green all the way.

  4. It’s August in Oklahoma, the temperature this afternoon according to my thermometer is 101 degrees. I wouldn’t call that a heat wave, I would call that summer in Oklahoma and I’ve seen it much hotter.
    Yet I heard some idiot weather woman on tv talking about how it was record temps? I’m trying to figure out how the heck these are record temps. I swear they just spout off anything that pops into their head. I think she came from up north, so maybe it’s hot to her, although the last time I was up north in the summer, it was triple digits.

  5. The total liars at “AP” are suing Musk. They want payment for their fake “news” that twitter X supposedly steals. Meanwhile, nearly everything I click on refers back to some twitter X feed. So who is the “News” ? If I see “AP” as the source, I just skip it.


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