What Really Happened In Maui? – IOTW Report

What Really Happened In Maui?

Power companies in many parts of the country have plans to shut down power during periods of high wind as a consequence. On Maui, the power company has no such plan.

AND: If you have been following the mainstream media’s coverage of the disaster in Maui you will know that a raging wildfire fueled by unprecedented heat and drought caused by manmade climate change just killed at least eighty people on that island. You will also know that this will be the fate of all of us if we do not start driving electric cars, building windmills in our yards, and eating plant-based meat.

In short, you will know nothing.

The actual records for the weather in Maui do not show record heat. They do not show record drought. They show that this year Maui is experiencing the same kind of weather it experiences every year. Yes, it is dry in Maui right now. It is the dry season there. It is dry this time of year – every year.

So, what did happen in Maui? Not manmade climate change. Manmade incompetence. more here

26 Comments on What Really Happened In Maui?

  1. Climate change is a hoax. That leaves power lines, arson or equipment (catalytic conv, exhaust sparks) as most likely causes. But that doesn’t sell news broadcasts.

  2. Saw a video of a local who was claiming he felt it foul play. He claims the area that took most damage is where developers have been wanting the locals to sell the land but they won’t budge. Almost as if they won’t sell we (elites, I take it) will destroy the area. The way the government doesn’t give a damn about us, I can fully understand what he was speculating.

  3. I think the directed energy bomb is the most likely, even if it’s poo-pooed by the government and media (that’s a big reason to believe it!).

    But I’ve seen videos and trees are not burned. Just buildings.

    Also, someone who “said” they were in a meeting at the governor’s office, and they said over 1,000 people, mostly children, are dead.

  4. I’m inclined to believe in nefarious causes here as the mockingbirds proclaim that ‘crazy conspiracy theories’ couldn’t possibly be the reason. That reason alone is reason enough for me.

  5. Right after the fires here, every time a wind over 40 mph came up-, they’d cut the power. What did people do? They got pissed and demanded that it be turned back on. Politicians got involved. So, trial lasted 1 day. Maui residents will be belly aching when they can’t shop, or cater to tourists which they all depend on. You know, us evil people who spend their hard earned money at businesses in Maui. Yes, us evil tourists whom you all talk down on there in Maui, but you like the money. Your tax base is gone, whatcha gunna do?

  6. Goldenfoxx

    That or he’s a very valuable asset. They move him in first to control the information flow after the event. Who knows? Yikes, they’ve turned me into a full time tin foil hat victim.

  7. another poverty based wealth transfer. poor will continue to suffer by the wealthy. here is where it all went wrong.

    January 17, 1893 – Overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom
    U.S. Minister John L. Stevens, a Committee of Safety of American & European sugar planters, missionary descendants & financiers who deposed the Hawaiian monarchy and proclaimed a provisional government.

    notice the committee is safety based. “safety” in 1893 means the same thing in 2023. it means you lose. wealth, freedom. for a full history of the struggle, check the link.


    extermination is vital effort for wealth accumulation. i would suggest they come stateside with more land, but same thing will happen again and again, just like the native americans and what desired resources they happen to be living on at the time. food, water and shelter is the struggle.

  8. I have my tin foil hat firmly in place and am supportive of some of the comments I’ve read here. WEF wanting to implement their Smart City has to remove the existing infrastructure and populace first. We’ll see soon enough

  9. apparently these newfangled forest fires don’t burn trees

    look at the photos for Paradise CA, Sonoma CA, Boulder CO, & Maui
    they ALL have the same footprint – houses completely disintegrated to dust & melted vehicles

  10. “Fuck them. Just like puerto ricans, they hate white people.”

    You must live beneath a very large rock. Maui’s demos are as follows, 75% white, 20% Asian, 5% Native. This isn’t the thread about South Africa.

  11. Man-made “natural” disaster. Fires were intentionally set. Testing ground to refine, localize and control using a communist version of scorched Earth to gain territory.

    Maui will probably be rebuilt (by big name global megalomaniacs) and transformed into a “green” utopia for leftist elite climate change disciples or a CCP playground.
    BTW, The Orca, wearing a ugly wig showed up on the island to “help”. She’ll be reporting back to her billionaire globalist partners what she observed first hand.

    Conspiracy theory?…maybe. Yet it’s not that unrealistic given the current 1984 political leadership occupying Washington DC.


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