What stupid decisions the Left is making lately! – IOTW Report

What stupid decisions the Left is making lately!


With the frankly nonsensical “Russian” thing in tatters, the Left is getting more desperate than ever.  This was not supposed to have happened.  Hillary was to be president.  The grossly self-serving and unlawful acts that were slowly becoming the norm among the once well respected government organizations (FBI, DoJ, IRS, etc.) were never to have been exposed.  And that desperation, along with the rise of really not very smart or capable people, is making the Left do some pretty stupid stuff.

Changing the subject isn’t necessarily “stupid,” but doing so when one’s motives are obvious is — as is changing it to another subject that people find at best uninteresting and largely laughable.

So is going after a guy who is smarter than you.

True for going after President Trump.  Almost as true for going after someone as smart, experienced, and unflappable as is Attorney General Barr.

Yes, the headlines will still blare (These days, the media are as stupid and inexperienced in how the real world operates as are the Left’s politicians), but apart from MSNBC-viewing True Believers, no one is being fooled.

But there is something even more stupid being done here.  It is this: when your plans have failed, and the Big Man is aware of it, one of the best things to do is go low-key.  Going after the Big Man is not the smart thing to do.  Not at all.

A.G. Barr is here the Big Man.

16 Comments on What stupid decisions the Left is making lately!

  1. I’m taking a “down” day (couch potato/channel surfing/napping) and came upon an old documentary (NatGeo) about the 1985 “Commission” trial of the Costa Nostra families being taken out by a young federal prosecutor who now happens to be on Trump’s legal team. Too many parallels between the “untouchable” U.S. Mafia families and the current Ds/Leftists. And we need to go after them in the same way. No bigger crime family in the U.S. today.

  2. @cfm990

    Well put sir. The left is over-educated, but maximally stupid and vicious. They have no human feeling whatsoever for the most vulnerable persons, the unborn, they are too willing to pull the plug on people that need medical assistance to continue living, they are supporters of the vilest sexual practices that hurt kids most of all, and they hate God, etc. etc. They even abuse the dead by stealing their identities for elections. America would be better off if they were all dead.

    A high school grad that believes in God and accepts Jesus the savior is more valuable by far than a typically over-educated liberal.

  3. AA, you’ve probably also read the stories that speculate that Trump himself may have participated in helping to bring down some organized crime figures back in those days.

  4. joe6 — If I’m understanding the reach of the Costa Nostra at that time in NY, there wasn’t a single enterprise/transaction in which they did not get a cut of the deal. I’d bet Trump and his dad were shaken down by the Mafia. And it makes me wonder if POTUS Trump’s zeal for transparency and law and order is fueled by his experiences with people who so flagrantly operated outside the law. You know that there were elected officials and career Deep State in NY who were bribed or extorted to look the other way.

  5. They have suffered a collective nervous breakdown. I’ve experienced it in my own family since Trump was elected. It is impossible to deal with the disease one on one… when they are feeding and enabling each other it is simply not tenable to combat it unless it is treated as a pandemic. Which it certainly is. without recognition by the victim that they are very sick… you do the math.

    Letting it run it’s course is going to be a rough ride, we are going to see loved ones lose their damn mind both figuratively and literally. The education system and media has spent the better part of a century inculcating a sense of superiority that will exacerbate each and every case, both individual and collective.

    Basically they have lost their fucking minds and if it were not a case of pride going before a fall it would be a tragedy of Biblical proportions. As it is they have, through their actions, scuttled any sympathy due them and pity is the best we are going to have to offer.

    When they get what is coming to them though, pity is going to be in short supply. Look at what they have done to others, and laugh about, and they have even made Christian charity something they have no legitimate expectation of. They have become monsters and the monster has turned and is eating them from the inside out.

  6. If you have ever witnessed a person lose it after divorce and become totally irrational, ya’ have an idea what the dynamic in play is. It will get more and more irrational until you are just left dumbfounded at the thought processes leading to what manifests itself in crazy actions that no sane person could fathom as reasonable, but in their mind they have convinced themselves that their response is rational.

  7. Just figured out WHO he reminds me of in STYLE…and appearance to some degree…

    The Great Antonin Scalia, RIP.

    THIS is what AS would have looked like as an AG.

    DAMN I miss your guidance and wisdom.


  8. just soldier on putting one foot in font of the other while tweeting and let the chips fall where they may. Don,t make a big deal of it, the big deal will make itself in due time. Our man Trump doesn’t meed any advice from the peanut gallery. His timing is impeccable.


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