What the… – IOTW Report

What the…

Nuclear War? No Problem! MASKS WILL SAVE US!

11 Comments on What the…

  1. The original HEPA filters were actually developed to filter out radioactive particles in the air of research facilities.
    N95 and cloth masks are NOT HEPA filters….

  2. Masks won’t save us any more than those useless duck and cover drills would of that we practiced when I was in 1st and second grade back in the late 50’s and early 60’s. And who besides me remembers the air raid sirens going off every Wednesday at noon for many years into the early 70’s when I was a Senior in HS as a reminder of what to do in case we were nuked. I wonder if those darned things still work?

  3. @ Jethro

    More importantly, HEPA filters -will- protect you from inhaling the dust of people nearby who have been disintegrated by a nuclear blast.

    Sleep tight.

  4. Can’t let a little thing like Nuclear War interfere with the narrative!

    They (maggots of the CDC) aren’t just disingenuous, they’re evil.

    “Well I asked my friend, “Where is that black smoke coming from?”
    He just coughed and changed the subject and said, “Oh, I think it might snow some””
    “Look at the sky turn a hell fire red!”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “I wonder if those darned things still work?”

    Emergency warning sirens are all over Dallas. Used for Tornadoes these days.

    There is a set schedule for testing them and it’s pretty weird to hear a bunch of them go off on a pretty day.


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