What The Average Workday Looks Like Around The World – IOTW Report

What The Average Workday Looks Like Around The World

Often, the typical workday doesn’t resemble anything we imagined during our school years or witnessed on TV and in film.

8 Comments on What The Average Workday Looks Like Around The World

  1. LCD, very true. And that’s why the elites are pushing hard for the great reset. It’s not fair. We should be just as miserable as the Europeans. Of course the elites have figured out what to do with that excess 80 % of wealth. They’ll take it. But first they need to take your guns

  2. If you are aspiring to be “average” in any endeavor or to emulate the Europeans, not only will you never amount to anything of substance but you were raised wrong. Average is only useful as a yardstick for what the other guy is doing so you can do more to beat his ass.

    This is why quotas, affirmative action hires, and race/sex-based anything grinds my gears to no end. Meritocracy, ability, and effort are the only things that should determine success. Life has always been a competition, and to the victor goes the spoils. What’s that old line from Top Gun,”And for second place you get a plague put up in the lady’s room”?

  3. All true Rich, we are rewarded for our hard work and achievements because we line in a Capitalist Society. Which, according to 99.9% of college professors, is all bad. The attack is multifaceted.

  4. I don’t know nuttin’ ’bout working for the weekend, I work those too. I have the hour commute of Germany and the overtime of Saudi Arabia as well.

    But they left out the part where all of Europe goes on vacation at the same time, in August. Make sure you get anything you can’t live without from Europe before then or you’re going to be leaving a LOT of voicemails to funny numbers that won’t get picked up ’till it gets cold.

  5. I worked for a company for about the last 40 years.
    It was nothing for us to put in 60 hour weeks when i was youngish.
    Yes we made money and were content.
    I retired several years ago,but guess what,yes i get text messages asking me to come in and straighten shit out.
    I like it because retirement can be boring.


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