What the Boston Globe’s Warren endorsement gets woefully wrong – IOTW Report

What the Boston Globe’s Warren endorsement gets woefully wrong

WAEx: Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign isn’t going how she would have hoped. The Massachusetts Democrat has underwhelmed in the first three primary contests, and she isn’t expected to do well in South Carolina this Saturday, either. Her campaign is in do-or-die mode, so her supporters are going all-out.

Now, the Boston Globe, New England’s most influential newspaper, is throwing its weight behind Warren in an attempt to keep her candidacy alive. The only problem? The paper’s editorial board makes a terribly flimsy argument for Warren in its endorsement and overlooks several of the candidate’s biggest flaws.

The Boston Globe says it would prefer any of the Democratic candidates to President Trump, but that “one candidate stands out as a leader with the qualifications, the track record, and the tenacity to defend the principles of democracy, bring fairness to an economy that is excluding too many Americans, and advance a progressive agenda. She would fight the corruption and corporate influence that distort our politics, lift up working families, and combat gun violence and climate change. That candidate is Elizabeth Warren.”

Why does it back Warren over her competitors? Well, the paper cites her promise that she would “make battling corruption her signature legislative initiative before tackling any other” and argues this is “a worthy cause — a root evil worth going to the mat for — in an era of historic dysfunction in Congress.” read more

7 Comments on What the Boston Globe’s Warren endorsement gets woefully wrong

  1. My old home town paper. The chief liberal rag in the state. Completely detached from reality and fatally liberal progressives. It sits alongside the New York Times and the Washington Post. The 3 Stooges of the Fourth Estate.


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