‘What the F*ck Happened to This Place?’ – IOTW Report

‘What the F*ck Happened to This Place?’


Comedian Dave Chappelle returned to San Francisco on Thursday for a surprise show.

And he didn’t hold back.

Chappelle trashed the Democrat hellhole of San Francisco.

San Francisco has turned into a cesspool of needles and homeless people.

16 Comments on ‘What the F*ck Happened to This Place?’

  1. “Spiraling in San Francisco’s Doom Loop: what it’s like to live in a city that no longer believes its problems can be fixed”

    https: //curbed.com/2023/05/san-francisco-doom-loop.html

  2. The answer is not difficult: the woke mob happened to San Francisco. The virtue signaling crowd favored the criminal element over the people who actually made San Francisco work and pay the taxes. Drug problems? Just live on our streets and San Francisco will provide the needles and places to shoot up, and in some cases the drugs. Homeless? Just live wherever you want, and don’t forget San Francisco is your toilet. Loot to your heart’s content and feel free to break into any car you want; we don’t want to prosecute.

    Yes, I have some sympathy for people who are down on their luck and can’t find housing in San Francisco. Mental patients and drug addicts should have access to treatment. But here’s the kicker – San Francisco isn’t doing anything to fix the problems San Francisco progressives have created. Stores are moving out. People are moving out. San Francisco politicians are busy funneling money to their cronies who pretend to study the problem but don’t have any answers.

    The woke crowd needs to switch their focus to the majority of people – at least those who are left – who are productive members of society. The wants and needs of these folks are relatively simple: keep the roads maintained, make the streets safe, and basically have the government get out of the way. Once this happens, solutions to the problems of drug use, crime and homelessness will start to take care of themselves and be easier to solve. Criminals need to be in jail. And the homeless will move to some place they can afford.

    Progressives don’t have a monopoly on compassion; conservatives are every bit as compassionate – and probably more so – than progressives. But promoting problems – which is what San Francisco does – without any solutions is not an answer to anything.

  3. Deliberate, gratuitous, systematic, wanton destruction. It is what “progressivism” is all about. Increasing innocent human suffering, misery ad death is what motivates them and that is meant to be taken literally and absolutely. I have been observing the subhuman pieces of shit my entire life and it is as certain as the sun first appearing over the horizon in the east each morning. Each and every time a critical mass of the fuckers coalesce in any area the result is invariably the same.

  4. San Francisco is the product of decades of cognitive dissonance in the culture. Well over half of the people who hate what’s happened to places like SF, Portland, Seattle, Austin, etc, summarily reject any logical solution. They don’t want crime, but they don’t want criminals arrested nor dealt with harshly. They don’t want open drug use, but they don’t want drug laws either. They want higher wages, lower rents, & a stronger social safety net, but they want to flood the country with unvetted immigrants whose presence makes all that impossible. They want to stop criminal violence, but they want to make it impossible for people to defend themselves from criminal violence without getting prosecuted. They want to end racism by enforcing racist policies against white people. They want equality under the law but cheer when someone they don’t like is targeted for politically based subjective prosecution.

    Stupid, dysfunctional societies are built on a foundation of illogical and contradictory beliefs.

  5. Franciscans don’t care what Chappelle thinks as if anything he says changes anything in San Francisco. Why businesses stay there is beyond me. From WalMart, Safeway, Nieman-Marcus, etc., they know when to cut and run, because it’s not going to get better.

  6. Why Sam Fran Gran isn’t rotting in a prison cell along with her husband is beyond me 🤔

    This is what happens when a society becomes so dumbed down and vote with their hands out 🤬

    Lord we pray for our country 🙏❤️🕊️🇺🇸

  7. Just remember…. How goes California so goes the rest of the country. You’ve got Kim Jong Newsom that wants to make California a model for the rest of the country and don’t forget he’s got voters who had a chance to recall but rather agree with him.

  8. what happened?
    a lot of corruption and money made from it and its effects
    don’t forget the 200 million dollars that pelosi got for ‘improvements’ at the Presidio park
    how much of that money will wind up in the pocket of feinstein’s deceased husband’s business partner? He’s the guy that built the leaning high rise building. He’s lso the father of the kid that hacked the congressional computers for blackmail purposes during the Kavanaugh hearings. The hearings for that little offense were held ‘behind closed doors’ because of ‘national security issues. He got 2 years probation.
    As long as that is tolerated there, and money is made from it, san francrisco will fester.
    as long as the people there are willing to tolerate their senator having had a chinese spy as their office manager, it ain’t going to get any better.
    after reading about the new appliance requirements, I think pelosi and her refrigerator should both be moved to Alcatraz

  9. Wokesters, Progressives, Socialists or whutever you want to call them THIS week are all cut from the same cloth. They’re all unaccomplished whiners who just can’t compete with the talented, skilled, productive segment so they drag everything down to its lowest level of SUCK to make themselves look better comparatively! That and create crisis after crisis as a method to tilt the game in their favor.


    No! You need to listen to one of his performances all the way through and you’d find you have him pegged dead wrong. I’d suggest starting with any of his recent Netflix shows.

  11. @Brad ~ thanks, but dumped Nutlicks about 15 years ago … & can’t find a reason to go back

    & I’ve seen enough of Chappelle to see his ‘humor’ … or lack thereof
    his ‘stories’ are not that funny to me … as opposed to someone like Bill Burr
    & a bit too much of posturing bullying in most of them. reminds me of the only rooster at the farm pecking at all the hens

    like the wise man once said “opinions are like assholes; we all have one”
    … Uncle Molon’s Codicil … “& they all stink!” 😁

  12. To me, Chappelle hates Whitey but is actually kind of funny about it.
    Richard Pryor & Eddie Murphy never gave out that vibe.

    Just like Kanye, Chappelle will gladly stab Whites in the back most times, yet when he says anything remotely conservative, so many of them coo & say “he’s been red pilled.”
    Thing is, nigga knows what he is doing.
    Playing White folk, like he always has.


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