What the Florida Count Tells Us About How Trump Stole 2016 From Hillary – IOTW Report

What the Florida Count Tells Us About How Trump Stole 2016 From Hillary

American Spectator:

16 Comments on What the Florida Count Tells Us About How Trump Stole 2016 From Hillary

  1. How true…..my county’s Board of Elections is doing a recount of the local cemetery because the demonrat only got 85% of the vote. Every vote must be counted you know.

  2. aleon, President Trump has the executive authority to stop the criminals’ seizing of federal elections. The blatant actions of attempting to overthrow the Republic is treason. Calling for the overthrow as well as advocating the assassination of the President is called Sedition. If what is needed is the implementation of martial law, that is within the realm of presidential powers. Since 1982 it was a federal crime to accuse or investigate Democratic election fraud. Just this past month, that law was revoked. So the Demonrats can be fought with legal powers, so there is no excuse for it not to be done, with force if necessary. There should be plane loads of orange jumpsuit political criminals being transported to Gitmo. An ideal place for all these revolutionary, Marxist/Communists–Communist Cuba!

  3. I believe it was Samuel Clemens who said (and I paraphrase), “If voting mattered, they wouldn’t let us do it….”.
    I also believe that prior to the decades old prohibition, Republicans only squealed a little about democrat election cheating because both sides had a hand in it.
    The system is rigged. We are only made to believe that we have any control. I pray that PDJT is who he says he is.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  4. It is near the time for Trump to get his hands in the game. This is a FEDERAL Election and he has the power to authorize Federal Marshals to seize ballots, machines and any other materials relating to the votes. The Democrats do not fear our legal system anymore.

  5. I’m not even convinced that Dave Brat wasn’t the victim of voter fraud, particularly in chesterfield County. Why did they keep the polls open well past closing time?

    Matter of fact, I don’t think Obama won either presidential election.

    But that’s just me.

  6. The Talmud makes very filthy, perverse claims about Jesus. As for Hillary Clinton, Trump said he would get her prison time for all her crimes when he gained the Presidency. Now she will do a 2020 re-run because Trump won’t rat on her. How campaign rhetoric evaporates into thin air, and proven political criminals are still functioning profitably!

  7. One of the ways I judge someone is by what they make a public display of opposing or embracing. For instance: I know that groups that have “pride” parades feel a deep shame (gays, trannies, Puerto Ricans, etc.) I know that women who are fiercely and vociferously “independent” have probably had a man carry them through part or all of their lives (Jane Fonda, Marlo Thomas, etc.) My brother in law LOVES to call men “faggots” when he argues with them. He’s a closet gay. Another brother in law favors the word “stupid” when describing just about anyone. He can’t read.

    People are often the opposite of what they project.


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