What the hell did I just watch? – IOTW Report

What the hell did I just watch?

MIKE HUCKABEE VIDEO wtf did i just watch

CainTV: Last week, when I ran a collection of weird campaign songs, I thought I’d seen it all. Little girls lip-synching a hyper-nationalist ode to Trump just had to be the peak of musical weirdness for 2016.  In making this assumption, however, it never crossed my mind that Mike Huckabee was still out there.   …And when I say “out there” I mean “way, way, way out there.”  MORE

19 Comments on What the hell did I just watch?

  1. What exactly has Ted Cruz done while Senator that made any difference whatsoever? And didn’t he go to the border to hand out teddy bears with Rubio or someone to the invading 20-30 y/o “children” illegals pouring across our border.

    The DC cabal don’t give 2 sh!ts what Ted Cruz does or thinks and if he gets elected it will be business as usual as we continue to circle the drain.

    And Cruz getting elected is a big if. Independents and dems will not vote him like they will for Trump, and we’ll end up with the same old shit, different day. Wake the hell up.

  2. Ted Cruz is a Christian man who walks the walk, If people have a problem with him ‘handing out teddy bears’ to children some that have been abused, raped, and had fingers cut off by coyotes on the way here I would challenge those people to look at their own hearts.

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