What the lack of push-back gets you – IOTW Report

What the lack of push-back gets you

Unlike Donald Trump, Bush almost never fought back. He let the media walk all over him. He did not want to “diminish” the office of the presidency. His lack of push back diminished the liberty of the American people.

Gary Demar:


I watched Rogue One again. One scene that caught my attention; it was when Jyn pleads with the Council to take the fight to the enemy. The question is not “what chance do we have,” she implores, the question is “what choice do we have?” We’re either going to drain the swamp or we’re all going to drown in it.

The original scene is longer and more impactful since it shows the reluctance of the Council to engage the battle. Here’s a short clip of her final appeal, and when the council does not listen, Jyn decides to go it alone. Others who understand the nature of the battle, later join her in what turns out to be a suicide mission that results in “A New Hope.”

Never Trumpers are complaining about Trump’s demeanor, how he tweets, that he’s not acting presidential and thereby “’diminishing’ the office of the presidency.” Barack Obama acted presidential. Everyone said so. How did that work out for the nation?

George W. Bush acted “presidential” and got us in immoral and unconstitutional wars in Afganistan and Iraq that have led to the deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians, resulted in the near extinction of the Christian population in Iraq, and cost our economy trillions of dollars in spending and debt.

He also supported and signed the “No Child Left Behind Act” with Sen. Ted Kennedy looking on. He socialized medicine even more with his drug prescription program.  MORE

10 Comments on What the lack of push-back gets you

  1. Trump fights.

    RINOs talk, and sputter, and hen-cluck, and pretend to clutch their pearls.
    All the time accepting Globalist money to pretend to be the Harmless Opposition.

    Trump is America’s last chance.
    You are with him, or against everything America stands for.

    The Alamo “line in the sand”.

    MAGA. With a vengeance.

  2. If we are going to do film analogies here, Trump in more akin to Braveheart: His own leaders, the Scottish nobles, put up token resistance to gain more lands and titles, satisfied once the riches were realized for their clans.

    Along comes the outsider William Wallace who truly upsets the status quo, fighting for freedom and even gaining territories that once belong to England. He has to battle both the Scottish nobles and the English enemy.

    I am still hoping I never see the look on Trumps face that Mel Gibson had (as William Wallace) once he realized his staunch ally, Robert the Bruce, was working with the English.


    Yeah, it’s just a movie and not historically accurate, but just following the analogy.

  3. …BTW, the William Wallace scene exemplifies the realization that conservatives had once they realized the GOP was more aligned with the DNC than with them.

  4. 🌟 We listened to RINOs and held our nose and voted for George H.W. Bush, not a conservative.

    🌟 We listened to RINOs and held our nose and voted for Bob Dole, not a conservative.

    🌟 We listened to RINOs and held our nose and voted for George W. Bush, not a conservative.

    🌟 We listened to RINOs and held our nose and voted for John McCain, not a conservative.

    🌟 We listened to RINOs and held our nose and voted for Mitt Romney, not a conservative.

    WE VOTED FOR TRUMP! TRUMP is our president PERIOD. Hold your nose, and support him like we have done for decades. It’s YOUR TURN, your President is TRUMP now.

  5. Rogue One is a good movie, it’s a return to the center of why Star Wars was great in ’77.

    That was the last movie we hit the theater for.

    I’m with TN Tuxedo. Best Star Wars flick EVAH.

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