What the terrorists are up to – IOTW Report

What the terrorists are up to

25 injured in building explosion in Germany.

The explosion destroyed an apartment building in the western German city of Wuppertal. Was this a bomb factory accident? Will German authorities release some information? Police said they were in the dark about the cause of the explosion. Wuppertal is infamous for its sharia patrols. These “Shariah police”patrols would police sites such as discotheques and gambling houses, telling passers-by to refrain from gambling and alcohol. They were declared legal in 2016.

“Unaccompanied” migrants attack German ambulance crew: Emergency doctor suffers traumatic brain injuries.

They attack hospitals, schools, young girls, pop concerts, music festivals, parades, Christmas markets, independence day celebrations, life itself — the ideology is the very definition of inhumanity, evil and savagery.

Australia: Three KFC stores go full halal, refuse to sell bacon on sandwiches.

If you’re an infidel who wants to get bacon on your sandwich in one of these stores, you’re out of luck. It isn’t enough for these stores to make halal products available to Muslims; they also have to impose Islamic law on non-Muslims as well. The supremacist character of Islamic law requires that non-Muslims must submit also — and at these KFCs, the submission is in full swing.


5 Comments on What the terrorists are up to

  1. Islamophobia
    noun Is·lam·o·pho·bia \ is-ˌlä-mə-ˈfō-bē-ə , iz- , -ˈla- \

    :a term used by those who are afraid to speak the truth about Islam, usually in a derogatory manner, to belittle those who are not afraid to speak the truth about Islam.

    see also: IRONY and PROJECTION

  2. Maybe Minneapolis can send the investigators of the New Years Day explosion in the apartment building in Little Mogadishu a few years back. Still not a word even though way too many people were living in the apartments all being young Somali men.


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