What Trump and Martin Luther King, Jr. Have in Common – IOTW Report

What Trump and Martin Luther King, Jr. Have in Common

American Thinker: As the story unfolds of how Hillary Clinton, former FBI director Comey, and the intel community in Washington trashed GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump with what is being seen as a fraudulent dossier, paid for by the Hillary campaign, and presented to the FISA court to gain permission to spy on the Trump team by unmasking NSA information, few know that this is just the most recent chapter in the long story of how the Democratic Party has used the FBI, DOJ, and intel community to attack and discredit political opponents.

In the 1960s, the most powerful new political movement in the United States was the Civil Rights movement.  This movement was led by Rev. Dr. Luther King, Jr., an Atlanta-based preacher who saw the inhumane treatment of black Americans and became a political activist.  His activation of black voters, helped by the 1965 Civil Rights Act, threatened the political power of the Democratic Party.

According to original FBI documents revealed at the 1975 Senate Church Committee hearing, Dr. King was seen as a threat, and the FBI took an active role in discrediting him.  FBI agents worked with the Democrat A.G., Robert Kennedy, Jr., in a plot strikingly similar to the FISA court-allowed unmasking of Trump presidential campaign associates.  A.G. Kennedy signed an improper and illegal order allowing Dr. King’s hotel rooms to be “bugged” and his phone calls to be wiretapped.

In order to cast some aura of legitimacy, the FBI’s COINTEL (counterintelligence) project said Dr. King had some “communist” connections.  Remarkably, the Democrats pulled the communist card out of their pocket and used it against Donald Trump, accusing him of “colluding” with Russians.  The investigation of the Trump campaign is being conducted by Robert Mueller, and most of the staff he chose has donated to Democrats.  This astonishing similarity is not a coincidence.  Other aspects of the attacks on Dr. King are similar to the way Donald Trump was, and still is, attacked.

So both Kennedys were involved in this startling and disturbing tactic.  Since A.G. Kennedy could not provide any evidence that Dr. King was a communist, he could not obtain a warrant to wiretap Dr. King.  He bypassed that legal requirement and simply ordered the FBI to wiretap Dr. King’s home and the Atlanta, Ga. Southern Christian Leadership Conference offices.  This was done in October 1963, the month before JFK was assassinated, so JFK knew of this and approved it

This phony label justified the FBI’s continued investigation of the SCLC and Dr. King.  J. Edgar Hoover himself stated that the goal of the activities against black “nationalist” groups should be to “prevent the rise of a messiah who could unify and electrify” the movement.  In 1964, Hoover sent a letter to FBI COINTELPRO offices instructing agents to “expose, disrupt, discredit, or otherwise neutralize the activities of black nationalist” groups such as the SCLC (the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Dr. King’s organization).  MORE

6 Comments on What Trump and Martin Luther King, Jr. Have in Common

  1. Four takeaways:
    1. King really was what his legacy says he was..
    2. The Kennedy’s are not what their legacies say they are.
    3. The dems really did create a new slave plantation, but with the help of the swamp it’s expanded to include anyone they want it to.
    4. We dodged a fatal bullet by electing Trump. I can seriously imagine this site being shut down for anti-democrat agitation.

  2. What this shows the more alcohol you drink diminishes brain functions.
    I’n now talking about a few beers at a BBQ. What I mean is the excessive and/or constant over indulgence in whiskey or wine. Examples are Teddy Kennedy, Shillary Clinton and my own mother!


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