What was Christmas like, in the 50’s? – IOTW Report

What was Christmas like, in the 50’s?

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22 Comments on What was Christmas like, in the 50’s?

  1. Everything was closed on Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day. You had time to be with your family and to play with toys & smell the bacon and eggs cooking coming from the kitchen. And after breakfast we played football with the neighbor kids, usually had a good amount of snow.

  2. I have a pic of myself in my Annie Oakley outfit – guns and all.
    I was blond with pigtails.
    The 50’s were a time of innocence and goodness where I lived (integrated neighborhood, too.)

  3. It must have sucked because all those sweet kids grew up into dirty hippies that wrecked this country.

    Just….you know….the opinion of the 70s kids who really didn’t understand what the hell happened.

  4. Yeah right, it’s really fashionable to look like either a bum or a slob and the dads all wear wife beater T shirts. There is nothing wrong with looking good and dressing for the occasion. I even do it occasionally although I haven’t worn a tie in years since I quit being a Church usher.

  5. The hands on the clock got us, but the memories and old photos can take us back for a time. Thanks, I needed that ride in the time machine, I would have liked to jump out and walked around for awhile.

  6. Christmas 54 Campbell, I got a Davy Crocket rifle. My wife (Who I would not know for 9 years) got a Davy cooneskin cap. Because only that crazy Gen Goldwater said it was OK for girls to fire rifles.

    Wife spent many, many hours looking for that cap; as we spent the week at Disneyland for the 60 anniversary – years ago. Never found it.
    I killed every Injun in the Santa Clara Vslley in ’54!

    My brother BTW got a cap; pistol! It not only went BANG it made smoke!

    Had Santa told him what he did that kid last week my mom would have “brained” Santa! And been thought well of for o doing! I miss IKe


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