What Was He Eating? – IOTW Report

What Was He Eating?

5 Comments on What Was He Eating?

  1. That is why we call him joetato. He is a retard.

    He is a window-licker, and eats crayons. He has always been a parasite, a liar, and an evil moron of the highest water.

  2. Did you hear about the Project Veritas and all that strangeness?
    well guess what . . . ?

    It made a whole bunch of other connections come to light . . .

    Guess who?

    The Carlyle Group
    YUP. At the Root of soooo much f##ckery.
    Remember Admirable Admiral James Stavridis?
    Carlyle Group Managing Director w/ 384 Investment Vehicles as of 03/31/20018. . . amd ALSO PUBLIC PENSIONS.

    Admiral Stavridis was ALSO the 10th SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER for NATO.

    President Biden was just in Ukraine, yesterday, to let the Ukrainians know that Anerican Taxpayers will cover all of Ukrainian Peoples State Pensions for Gov Workers and Teachers Unions. Medical Care too. Thanks America. Thanks Uncle Joe.
    Thanks Carlyle Group.
    Hey, Carlyle Group is into Music Videos and Ticket Sales too.
    Don’t forget their Pensacola Massacre Connection as well for dessert.

  3. You would think that if all they’re going to do is read a prepared statement, they would get SOMEONE with an IQ higher than a small soap dish who can read better than a 5th grader!

  4. These two blood soaked monsters need to be stuffed into the barrels of one of the HIMARS artillery pieces that we gifted to the Ukrainian Nazis and fired into the Russian lines. Let them deal with these two pond scum.

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